Tags: rev 

Rating: 2.0

# **ezbreezy**


## **solution**

The file was a 64-bit ELF binary that was stripped. Fuzzing the binary and we see that it is reading a text file ```not_even_real.txt``` but that was not really helpful :( taking a closer look at the sections in the binary there was a section called ```.aj1ishudgqis``` that really looked interesting.

Looking at its the disassembly we can see some bytes loaded on the stack. We know that the flag's format is ```flag{}``` so the first 4 bytes would be.
```102 108 97 103```

Bytes loaded on the stack
```142 148 137 143 163 157 135 144 92 158 91 135 154 91 139 88 158 91 154 91 140 135 149 91 165 ```

So what do you notice between 102 and 142, 108 and 148, 97 and 137, 163 and 103? . Yes we can see a pattern where the diffrence is 40 :)


hex = "8e94898fa39d87905c9e5b879a5b8b589e5b9a5b8c87955ba5"
flag = [(int("0x"+ hex[i:i+2], 16) - 40) for i in range(0, len(hex), 2)]
print("".join(map(chr, flag)))


## flag