Tags: rev 


# Challenge Name : added protection

# Description :

This binary has some e^tra added protection on the advanced 64bit shellcode

## Analysis of the binary

Upon running the binary, we find out that it just executes the `fprintf` and displays a message and exits.

size of code: 130
Can u find the flag?

If we look further into the decompilation of the binary we find out that a particular section called `code` is being loaded onto the binary.

undefined8 main(undefined8 argc, char **argv)
uint16_t *puVar1;
code *pcVar2;
char **var_40h;
int64_t var_34h;
int64_t var_28h;
undefined8 var_20h;
undefined8 s1;
undefined8 length;
uint32_t var_8h;

fprintf(_reloc.stderr, "size of code: %zu\n", 0x82);
_var_8h = 0;
while (_var_8h < 0x41) {
puVar1 = (uint16_t *)(code + _var_8h * 2);
*puVar1 = *puVar1 ^ 0xbeef;
if (*puVar1 < 0x2a) {
*puVar1 = *puVar1 - 0x2b;
} else {
*puVar1 = *puVar1 - 0x2a;
_var_8h = _var_8h + 1;
pcVar2 = (code *)mmap(0, 0x82, 7, 0x22, 0xffffffff, 0, argv);
if (pcVar2 == (code *)0xffffffffffffffff) {
memcpy(pcVar2, code, 0x82);
return 0;

This is further confirmed when the disassembly is being checked.

[0x00001175]> pdf
; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x10ad
/ 308: int main (int argc, char **argv);
| ; var char **var_40h @ rbp-0x40
| ; var int64_t var_34h @ rbp-0x34
| ; var int64_t var_2ch @ rbp-0x2c
| ; var int64_t var_28h @ rbp-0x28
| ; var size_t var_20h @ rbp-0x20
| ; var size_t s1 @ rbp-0x18
| ; var size_t length @ rbp-0x10
| ; var uint32_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8
| ; arg int argc @ rdi
| ; arg char **argv @ rsi
| 0x00001175 55 push rbp
| 0x00001176 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
| 0x00001179 4883ec40 sub rsp, 0x40
| 0x0000117d 897dcc mov dword [var_34h], edi ; argc
| 0x00001180 488975c0 mov qword [var_40h], rsi ; argv
| 0x00001184 48c745f08200. mov qword [length], 0x82
| 0x0000118c 488b056d2f00. mov rax, qword [obj.stderr] ; obj.stderr__GLIBC_2.2.5
| ; [0x4100:8]=0
| 0x00001193 488b55f0 mov rdx, qword [length]
| 0x00001197 488d35660e00. lea rsi, str.size_of_code:__zu ; 0x2004 ; "size of code: %zu\n" ; const char *format
| 0x0000119e 4889c7 mov rdi, rax ; FILE *stream
| 0x000011a1 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x000011a6 e895feffff call sym.imp.fprintf ; int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...)
| 0x000011ab 48c745f80000. mov qword [var_8h], 0
| ,=< 0x000011b3 eb6e jmp 0x1223
| | ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x122e
| .--> 0x000011b5 488b45f8 mov rax, qword [var_8h]
| :| 0x000011b9 488d1400 lea rdx, [rax + rax]
| :| 0x000011bd 488d059c2e00. lea rax, obj.code ; 0x4060
| :| 0x000011c4 4801d0 add rax, rdx
| :| 0x000011c7 488945d8 mov qword [var_28h], rax
| :| 0x000011cb 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [var_28h]
| :| 0x000011cf 0fb700 movzx eax, word [rax]
| :| 0x000011d2 6635efbe xor ax, 0xbeef
| :| 0x000011d6 89c2 mov edx, eax
| :| 0x000011d8 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [var_28h]
| :| 0x000011dc 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| :| 0x000011df 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [var_28h]
| :| 0x000011e3 0fb700 movzx eax, word [rax]
| :| 0x000011e6 6683f829 cmp ax, 0x29
| ,===< 0x000011ea 7721 ja 0x120d
| |:| 0x000011ec 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [var_28h]
| |:| 0x000011f0 0fb700 movzx eax, word [rax]
| |:| 0x000011f3 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| |:| 0x000011f6 05ffff0000 add eax, 0xffff
| |:| 0x000011fb 8945d4 mov dword [var_2ch], eax
| |:| 0x000011fe 8b45d4 mov eax, dword [var_2ch]
| |:| 0x00001201 8d50d6 lea edx, [rax - 0x2a]
| |:| 0x00001204 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [var_28h]
| |:| 0x00001208 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| ,====< 0x0000120b eb11 jmp 0x121e
| ||:| ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x11ea
| |`---> 0x0000120d 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [var_28h]
| | :| 0x00001211 0fb700 movzx eax, word [rax]
| | :| 0x00001214 8d50d6 lea edx, [rax - 0x2a]
| | :| 0x00001217 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [var_28h]
| | :| 0x0000121b 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| | :| ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x120b
| `----> 0x0000121e 488345f801 add qword [var_8h], 1
| :| ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x11b3
| :`-> 0x00001223 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [length]
| : 0x00001227 48d1e8 shr rax, 1
| : 0x0000122a 483945f8 cmp qword [var_8h], rax
| `==< 0x0000122e 7285 jb 0x11b5
| 0x00001230 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [length]
| 0x00001234 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0 ; size_t offset
| 0x0000123a 41b8ffffffff mov r8d, 0xffffffff ; -1 ; int fd
| 0x00001240 b922000000 mov ecx, 0x22 ; '"' ; int flags
| 0x00001245 ba07000000 mov edx, 7 ; int prot
| 0x0000124a 4889c6 mov rsi, rax ; size_t length
| 0x0000124d bf00000000 mov edi, 0 ; void*addr
| 0x00001252 e8d9fdffff call sym.imp.mmap ; void*mmap(void*addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, size_t offset)
| 0x00001257 488945e8 mov qword [s1], rax
| 0x0000125b 48837de8ff cmp qword [s1], 0xffffffffffffffff
| ,=< 0x00001260 7516 jne 0x1278
| | 0x00001262 488d3dae0d00. lea rdi, str.mmap ; 0x2017 ; "mmap" ; const char *s
| | 0x00001269 e8f2fdffff call sym.imp.perror ; void perror(const char *s)
| | 0x0000126e bf01000000 mov edi, 1 ; int status
| | 0x00001273 e8f8fdffff call sym.imp.exit ; void exit(int status)
| | ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x1260
| `-> 0x00001278 488b55f0 mov rdx, qword [length] ; size_t n
| 0x0000127c 488b45e8 mov rax, qword [s1]
| 0x00001280 488d35d92d00. lea rsi, obj.code ; 0x4060 ; const void *s2
| 0x00001287 4889c7 mov rdi, rax ; void *s1
| 0x0000128a e8c1fdffff call sym.imp.memcpy ; void *memcpy(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
| 0x0000128f 488b45e8 mov rax, qword [s1]
| 0x00001293 488945e0 mov qword [var_20h], rax
| 0x00001297 488b55e0 mov rdx, qword [var_20h]
| 0x0000129b b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x000012a0 ffd2 call rdx
| 0x000012a2 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x000012a7 c9 leave
\ 0x000012a8 c3 ret

A particular section called code is being loaded onto the registers and then XORed with `0xbeef`.

After that if the result is lesser than `0x2a` then `0x2b` is subtracted else `0x2a` is subtracted.

## Checking out the code section

Using Ghidra I took a look into the `code` section of the binary, which is being loaded.


It shows that there is a bunch of values there. It looks like some shellcodes.

## Rabbit hole

I thought that I could extract the shellcode from there and execute them through a C program binary and it would give me the flag. But it wasn't so, it contained all kinds of bad instructions which eventually led to segfaults. There I also tried with the XOR operations, but to no avail.

## Correct solution

If you look at the disassembly of the main function, you will find that there is a `call rdx` instruction, which means that a certain piece of code is being loaded onto `rdx` and then executed. So, I put a breakpoint there and ran the program

gef➤ break *main+299
gef➤ r

Now, move one step into the function call.

gef➤ si
This will take you to another code section. Now, display 100 instruction ahead :

gef➤ x/100i $rip

ef➤ x/100i $rip
=> 0x7ffff7fc9000: sub rsp,0x64
0x7ffff7fc9004: mov rcx,rsp
0x7ffff7fc9007: movabs r8,0x64617b4654435544
0x7ffff7fc9011: movabs r9,0x6e456465636e3476
0x7ffff7fc901b: movabs r10,0x5364337470797263
0x7ffff7fc9025: movabs r11,0x65646f436c6c6568
0x7ffff7fc902f: movabs r12,0x662075206e61437d
0x7ffff7fc9039: movabs r13,0x2065687420646e69
0x7ffff7fc9043: movabs r14,0x2020203f67616c66
0x7ffff7fc904d: mov r15d,0xa
0x7ffff7fc9053: push r15
0x7ffff7fc9055: push r14
0x7ffff7fc9057: push r13
0x7ffff7fc9059: push r12
0x7ffff7fc905b: push r11
0x7ffff7fc905d: push r10
0x7ffff7fc905f: push r9
0x7ffff7fc9061: push r8
0x7ffff7fc9063: mov eax,0x1
0x7ffff7fc9068: mov edi,0x1
0x7ffff7fc906d: lea rsi,[rcx-0x1f]
0x7ffff7fc9071: mov edx,0x3a
0x7ffff7fc9076: syscall
0x7ffff7fc9078: xor rbx,rbx
0x7ffff7fc907b: mov eax,0x3c
0x7ffff7fc9080: syscall

Here, you will find a similar code structure which loads a bunch of strings onto registers and executes a syscall.

Put a breakpoint at `0x7ffff7fc906d lea rsi, [rcx-0x1f]`, and continue the program. You will get the flag on the stack.


Original writeup (https://github.com/dosxuz/DownUnderCTF/tree/master/rev/added_protection).