Tags: osint 


Detective NeeP had dealt with a case of a firm recruiting scammers for stealing payment accounts.
Find the coordinator's phone number, the scam company name and website of the lumber store.

First of all we need to search who is NeeP... google find some twitter account, and one is:
NeeP is a real life person which fight about the scammers. It also has a youtube channel, so i spent some times looking for info... But there are so many cases...
At this point i decided to try a specific words google research.


the first site contains all the informations we are looking for!
So the number of the coordinator is `9911834488`, and the company name is `Navkar Infotech`. The website could be find at google maps link:



Original writeup (https://github.com/Internaut401/CTF_Writeup/blob/master/2020/DarkCTF/The%20Bait.md).