Rating: 5.0

# link to original writeup on github
works better on github because of links and files referenced and better syntax highlighting

# web/php information
First lets look at the code. I posted the commented version of the server side code to this git repo.

Going through the code we can see that there are 4 main `if` statements that each return a part of the flag
- $flag
- $flag\_1
- $flag\_2
- $flag\_3

Here is a walkthrough on how to get each flag.
(flags are printed at the bottom of the page so if youre like me you might have missed that for a few mins)

### $flag
code for first flag:
# is true if the url includes query's
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {

$query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$res = parse_str($query);

# is true if darkctf is one of the query arguments
if (!empty($res['darkctf'])){
$darkctf = $res['darkctf'];

# if darkctf print flag
if ($darkctf === "2020"){
echo "<h1 style='color: chartreuse;'>Flag : $flag</h1>

the server checks if there is a urlparameter called "darkctf" and if there is then assigns it to $darkctf

if darkctf="2020" we get the flag


cool onto the second part:
### flag\_1
code for second flag:
# if useragent = "020_the_best_year_corona" print flag_1
if ($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] === base64_decode("MjAyMF90aGVfYmVzdF95ZWFyX2Nvcm9uYQ==")){
echo "<h1 style='color: chartreuse;'>Flag : $flag_1</h1>
our brosers useragent has to equal to base64 decoded version of "`MjAyMF90aGVfYmVzdF95ZWFyX2Nvcm9uYQ==`"

base64\_decode( "`MjAyMF90aGVfYmVzdF95ZWFyX2Nvcm9uYQ==`") = "`2020_the_best_year_corona`"

setting is easiest with the curl using the `-A flag`
curl -A "2020_the_best_year_corona" http://php.darkarmy.xyz:7001


### flag\_2
code for third flag:
# is true if the url includes query's
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$res = parse_str($query);

# if ctf2020 is set
if (!empty($res['ctf2020'])){
$ctf2020 = $res['ctf2020'];

# if ctf2020 is equal to ""
if ($ctf2020 === base64_encode("ZGFya2N0Zi0yMDIwLXdlYg==")){
echo "<h1 style='color: chartreuse;'>Flag : $flag_2</h1>

at fist glance it looks like the first flag. you need to set urlparameter ctf2020 to a string, but there is a catch, its `base64\_encode` and not `decode` so the actual string is "`WkdGeWEyTjBaaTB5TURJd0xYZGxZZz09`"



### flag\_3
code for fourth flag:
# true if url param "karma" and "2020" is set
if (isset($_GET['karma']) and isset($_GET['2020'])) {

# karma and 2020 cant equal each other
if ($_GET['karma'] != $_GET['2020'])

# yet their hash does
if (md5($_GET['karma']) == md5($_GET['2020']))
echo "<h1 style='color: chartreuse;'>Flag : $flag_3</h1>
echo "<h1 style='color: chartreuse;'>Wrong</h1>
- we need to set both 'karma' and '2020'
- 'karma' and '2020' cannot equal each other
- md5($karma) has to equal md5($2020)

notice that when coparing the md5 of the two strings only `==` is used and not `===` this is called a non-strict comparison and leads to some interesting php bugs involving type juggling, [this document explains it well](https://owasp.org/www-pdf-archive/PHPMagicTricks-TypeJuggling.pdf)

when we use non-strict comparison ( == ) php will attempt to guess the type of the value before comparing them. This leads to weird stuff happening, eg: any string starting with `"0e"` will be evaluated as `0`

$ echo -n 240610708 | md5sum
0e462097431906509019562988736854 -

$ echo -n QNKCDZO | md5sum
0e830400451993494058024219903391 -
two completely different strings that both start with "0e" will equal to each other because php things they are both 0


# flag