
# P_g_G_i_P_t

> Category: Misc
> Description: ```Some basics of Cryptography and git. Detailed description in the files.```

# Analysis $ Solve

Description on the zip file for the challenge material contain the following long description:

A DarkArmy newbie pulled out some files from an old vulnerable machine
that belonged to the great sage "karma".

He grabbed the following info:

PGP Fingerprint:
5071 62CE 550A 9B5D

Signature File:

Find the first part of flag using above info and 10k.tar.zst

Password format for the prrotected git1.1.7z archive:


Password is free of any angle brackets and parantheses,
those are for explaination purpose only.
Do remember the _ it's in the password.

## Step 1 - find the public key

So, this step should be pretty easy but due to several hickups I got stuck on this a bit more time than necessary.

I found that the author uploaded the public key to the PGP public server: https://keys.openpgp.org
Using the fingerprint (`5071 62CE 550A 9B5D`) I was able to find it: https://keys.openpgp.org/search?q=5071+62CE+550A+9B5D

Problem #1 - this PGP key server stripes out the author ID, and due to that the key cannot be imported (I spent a bit trying to fix this but eventually I moved on to try finding it somehow).


I found that the key was also published to the mit one: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x507162CE550A9B5D


With this I saved the public key to a file and imported the key manually:

Version: SKS 1.1.6
Comment: Hostname: pgp.mit.edu


> We found part of the password for the next level, (first 3 chars of the pub key), so we now know this from the password: `xxxxxxx_mI0` (where x are still not known).


Looking at the `10k.tar.zst` file this looks a different compression tool `zstd`, after installing it and decompress the file using `zstd -d 10k.tar.zst` I got a `10k.tar` file, decompressed with `tar -xvf 10k.tar` showed finally a folder `10k` with literally 10k text files inside, each one with a 7 char text (except the last one :) ).

To proceed forward the idea is to find the key that allows for the following gpgp command to succeed `gpg --output a --decrypt a.sig`


At this point I went rogue and decided to take a shortcut, the idea of the challenge was to validate the decryption key using one of the key files (provided on the challenge) BUT ... there are 10K files and I was not able to quickly find the command lines of gpg to accept the password file on a single command line, so this was causing me issues to script the execution.

What I did instead (as the time was running short) was the following:

- all the files in the 10K folder contained exactly 7 chars, and we also know that because the password is 7 chars
- coded a quick py script to create a dictionary of all values inside the files (you can probably see where this is going now)
- created the hash of the 7z file using (7z2hashcat.pl)
- hashcat buteforce the 7z file
- validate the actual found password was validating the pgp key (just to use the proper expected tools for this challenge)

Dictionary code:


yourpath = './P_g_G_i_P_t/10k'
import os
with open('./dic.txt', 'w') as dic:

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(yourpath, topdown=True):
for name in files:
#print(os.path.join(root, name))
with open(os.path.join(root, name), 'r') as f1:

str = '{}_mI0\n'.format(f1.readline())

Generate the 7z Hash:


Creating the dictionary:


Putting it all together and running hashcat:


And in few seconds I got the password `2766951_mI0`.

Now, before I moved on I just wanted to confirm the previous gpg command was indeed correct, so I need to find on which file is this password `2766951`.


File `1235`, let's validate the previous gpg command then:


So, right no we have the password to decrypt the next phase of the challenge.

## Step 2 - GIT

Decompressing the git repo using the found password `2766951_mI0` showed a git repo:


I took also a considerable amount of time on this part of the challenge as I was looking to `git branch` and `git checkout` and `git log` trying to make some sense out of the history and determine on which branch was the damn file ... turns out I was on a rabbits hole.

Once I read a bit more about git I found `git reflog`, and something very odd was presented:


which was not consistent with :


It turns out that there was a deleted branch, and that was why I couldn't find it on the git log and branch/checkout party.

From this reflog I can issue a straight `git checkout 40a3658` and then, we get our flag:


Original writeup (https://github.com/ARESxCyber/Writeups/blob/master/DarkCTF2020/P_g_G_i_P_t/readme.md).