Tags: crypto rsa 


# Easy RSA
> Points: 407

## Description
> Just a easy and small E-RSA for you :)

## Solution

A very simple RSA form :) The modulo **N** isn't given. Why?

Because we don't need it!

Assuming the **N** to be a big 2048-bit number (general format) and my plaintext (flag) to be relatively small it's clear that `(pt ^ e) < N`

This is the vulnerabilty as `a mod b = a when a < b` so ct = (pt ^ e) mod N becomes equivalent to ct = (pt ^ e).

Taking e-th root of ciphertext will retrieve the plaintext (flag).

#!/bin/env python3

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
import gmpy2

ct = 70415348471515884675510268802189400768477829374583037309996882626710413688161405504039679028278362475978212535629814001515318823882546599246773409243791879010863589636128956717823438704956995941
e = 3

# Calculating e-th root of ciphertext
pt = gmpy2.iroot(ct,e)[0]
print("Flag is : " + str(long_to_bytes(pt).decode()))

## Flag
> darkCTF{5m4111111_3_4tw_xD}

Original writeup (https://github.com/t3rmin0x/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/DarkCTF/Crypto/Easy%20RSA).