Tags: volatility 


# Commands

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What was the command used with the malicious explorer.exe? Submit the entire command as the flag: flag{program.exe --options argument}.

Use the file from Captured Memories.


_You should probably take a look at [`Evil Twin`](../Evil%20Twin/README.md) before reading through this._

Ok, this challenge shouldn't be too hard, right? Simply take the PID of the imposter `explorer.exe`, use it in the `cmdline` command and _boom_ we're golden? - right? ... well... not quite...

python2.7 vol.py -f mem.raw --profile=Win10x64_15063 cmdline -p 5448

Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6.1
explorer.exe pid: 5448
Command line : explorer.exe -lnvp 6666

... while you can try and submit the output above as the flag. It won't work! ^^ This, at least for us, was the cause of some confusion at first, however, as it turns out, there another instance of the imposter `explorer.exe` was running at the time of the memory dump.

Using the `pstree` command like we did before, you can see it directly underneath the first instance. It's this process' command line you want to get.

python2.7 vol.py -f mem.raw --profile=Win10x64_15063 pstree

... ... ... ... ...
... 0xffff878691456080:cmd.exe 3944 4448 0 ------ 2020-06-26 15:37:19 UTC+0000
.... 0xffff87868fd63580:conhost.exe 5432 3944 4 0 2020-06-26 15:37:19 UTC+0000
.... 0xffff878691762080:explorer.exe 5448 3944 1 0 2020-06-26 15:43:14 UTC+0000
... 0xffff878691457580:cmd.exe 4424 4448 1 0 2020-06-26 15:46:51 UTC+0000
.... 0xffff87868f773080:explorer.exe 3100 4424 5 0 2020-06-26 15:48:21 UTC+0000
..... 0xffff87868f77b340:cmd.exe 4640 3100 1 0 2020-06-26 15:48:21 UTC+0000
.... 0xffff87868f998080:conhost.exe 6372 4424 3 0 2020-06-26 15:46:51 UTC+0000
... ... ... ... ...

So, just use the `cmdline` command on this PID (`3100`) ... and ... this time you get the correct commandline:

python2.7 vol.py -f mem.raw --profile=Win10x64_15063 cmdline -p 3100

Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6.1
explorer.exe pid: 3100
Command line : explorer.exe 6666 -e cmd.exe

The flag eventually was: `flag{explorer.exe 6666 -e cmd.exe}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/B34nB01z/writeups/blob/master/2020/Hacktober/Commands/README.md).