Tags: ocr batchprocessing 


## Stolen Licenses

We first tried to crack the zip using `zip2john` and `john` with both wordlists like rockyou and english lists so we used the first hint

It says possibly single word from recently added words to well know dictionary.

So we went and searched for recently added words by Oxford as well as Merriam-Webster and compiled them into a `list.txt`

For example for Merriam-Webster, we can do the following to get the list of words in their words at play column

list = document.getElementsByTagName("em")
str = ""
list.forEach((val, ind, arr) => { str = str + val.innerHTML + "\n"})

u can then paste them into a list.txt and pass it to john using
zip2john licenses.zip > licenses.hash
fcrackzip licenses.zip -v -D -p list.txt

And our zip password `nosocomephobia`

Thats like 1/3 if the challenge

Now we have a list of images which we need to extract the text and get the check digits to see which one is valid

Extract and cd into the img folder and run

mkdir crop
for FILE in *.png; do magick -extract 600x50+100+450 $FILE crop/$FILE; done

After extracting the keys convert them all to text with

mkdir txt && cd txt
for i in *.png; do b=`basename "$i" .png`; tesseract "$i" txt/$b ;done
cd txt
for i in *.txt; do cat $i | tr -cd [:digit:] > $i ;done

Python script to check if valid
import os
import fast_luhn as fl

def read_first_line(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
return f.readline()

for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
if os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.endswith(".txt"):
str = read_first_line(filename)
if fl.validate(str):

Run it and bam

flag : `78124512846934984669`

Original writeup (https://github.com/QzSG/CTF-Write-Ups/blob/master/Syskron%20Security%20CTF/2020/Wednesday.md#stolen-licenses).