Tags: steganography stegsnow 

Rating: 4.0

# Goblet of Fire

## Task

I think Granger is smart enough to help you solve this challenge!

File: Goble of Fire.txt

Tags: steganography

## Solution

I have a setting in nano that shows me inconsisten use of tabs and spaces. This showed me a weird pattern in the file. I tried extracting it manually with some piping magic but no luck.

After researching a few minutes I found `snow`. Also called `stegsnow`. Used to hide data in files with tabs and spaces. Compression and encryption is optional.

After trying with and without compression I used `Granger` as the password:

$ ./snow -p Granger Goblet\ of\ Fire.txt;echo

Original writeup (https://github.com/klassiker/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2020/razictf/goblet-of-fire.md).