Tags: flask web 

Rating: 4.0

# Something Sw33t

## Task

My sweet friend tried telling me about something on this page, but I can’t seem to find anything… Can you help me: https://cyberyoddha.baycyber.net:33001

## Solution

The title of the page is Flask application. There is nothing interesting in the source, let's look at the network traffic through the developer consoles network tab.

We see a random cookie `don't look here` with a base64 looking value. It's random stuff so I suspect it's a flask specific cookie. There is a tool to decode them: https://pypi.org/project/flask-cookie-decode/

Using the `examples/app.py`:

$ FLASK_APP=app.py ./flask cookie decode "$BASE64"
UntrustedCookie(contents={'Astley-Family-Members': 6, 'family': {'Cynthia Astley': [{'description': {' b': 'nice'}, 'flag':
{' b': 'bm90X2V4aXN0YW50'}, 'name': {' b': 'Cynthia Astley'}}, {'description': {' b': 'nicee='}, 'flag': {' b': 'YmFzZTY0X2lzX3N1cHJlbWU='}, 'name': {' b': 'Horace Astley'}}, {'description': {' b': 'human'}, 'flag': {' b': 'flag=flag'}, 'name': {'
b': ''}}, {'description': {' b': 'the man'}, 'flag': {' b': 'Q1lDVEZ7MGtfMV9zZWVfeW91X21heWJlX3lvdV9hcmVfc21hcnR9'}, 'name': {' b': 'Rick Astley'}}, {'description': {' b': 'yeedeedeedeeeeee'}, 'flag': {' b': 'dHJ5X2FnYWlu'}, 'name': {' b': 'Lene Bausager'}}, {'description': {' b': 'uhmm'}, 'flag': {' b': 'bjBwZWVlZQ=='}, 'name': {' b': 'Jayne Marsh'}}, {'description': {' b': 'hihi'}, 'flag': {' b': 'bjBfYjB0c19oM3Iz'}, 'name': {' b': 'Emilie Astley'}}]}}, expiration='2020-11-16T23:40:39')

Now we need to parse the json and base64 decode all the values.

$ FLASK_APP=app.py ./flask cookie decode "$BASE64" | sed 's|.*contents=\(.*\),
expiration.*|\1|g' | tr "'" '"' | jq '.family."Cynthia Astley" | map(select(.flag." b" != "flag=flag") | .flag." b" | @base64d)'

Original writeup (https://github.com/klassiker/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2020/cyberyoddha/web-exploitation/something-sw33t.md).