
#### Original Writeup - [https://github.com/CTSecUK/CyberYoddha-CTF-2020/blob/main/Write-ups/Shebang2.md](https://github.com/CTSecUK/CyberYoddha-CTF-2020/blob/main/Write-ups/Shebang2.md)


# Shebang2

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We connect to the shell using this command `ssh -p 1337 [email protected]` and the flag from the Shebang1 challenge as the password.

Once connected we try to see what's in our working dircetory but there are a lot of files and folders!

Running the command `$ find . -type f | wc -l` confirm there are infact `10000` files!

Also, running the command `grep -r "flag"` also doesn't not work as the files all contains strinsg such as: `This is not a flag`.

Instead to find the flag we can again take advantage of the fact we know the flag format `CYCTF{....}`.

Searching for files with the string `CYCTF` gives a better result;

$ grep -r "CYCTF"

And there's the next flag;

## CYCTF{W0w_th@t$_@_l0t_0f_f1l3s}

Original writeup (https://github.com/CTSecUK).