
# Overflow 2
We have the vuln function and the run_shell function.the first one contains the vulnerable gets function, thanks to which we can rewrite the return address and go to the second function
void vuln()
char buf[16];
void run_shell()
You can check the stack view of this function
#-00000018 buf db 16 dup(?)
#-00000008 db ? ; undefined
#-00000007 db ? ; undefined -> this is 32 bit offset
#-00000006 db ? ; undefined
#-00000005 db ? ; undefined
#-00000004 var_4 dd ?
#+00000000 s db 4 dup(?) -> this canary
#+00000004 r db 4 dup(?) -> this return address
#+00000008 ; end of stack variables
We need to enter 28 bytes to get to the return address.After that, rewrite the return address to `0x08049172` (This is the address of the run_shell function).
### CYCTF{0v3rfl0w!ng_v@ri@bl3$_i$_3z}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Slonser/CyberYoddha-CTF-2020/tree/master/PWN/Overflow%202).