Tags: bruteforce
## Challenge name: Error 2
### Description:
> Kayla decided she wants to use the previous error detection scheme for cryptography! After computing the normal error bits, she switched them around according to a secret key.
> P.S: given files: *[error2.py](./error2.py)*, *[enc.txt](./enc.txt)*
### Solution:
As they said in Description, this is similar to challenge **Error 1**, but they just change the index of parity bits (if you don't read Error 1 challenge and its writeup, please read it [here](../nactf_error-1/WRITEUP.md) before proceed).
So how we calculate parity number if we don't know which indexes are they ? The answer is easy, we try all of them! There are 15 bits and 4 parity bits, so we have C(4, 15) = 1365 cases to check. We bruteforce on parity bits indexes, then we have 1365 flags. Just print the cases that start with **nactf**.
from functools import reduce
import string
arr_of_pos = []
def init_arr():
for i in range(15):
for j in range(15):
if (i == j):
for k in range(15):
if (i == k or j == k):
for z in range(15):
if (i == z or j == z or k == z):
arr = (i, j, k, z)
if (arr not in arr_of_pos):
def check(arr):
output = []
for pos_arr in arr_of_pos:
parity_pos = (0, 1, 3, 7)
code = ''
arr_copy = arr.copy()
p_num = int(arr[pos_arr[0]]) + int(arr[pos_arr[1]]) * 2 + int(arr[pos_arr[2]]) * 4 + int(arr[pos_arr[3]]) * 8
arr_copy = [k for j, k in enumerate(arr_copy) if j not in pos_arr]
for j in range(4):
arr_copy.insert(parity_pos[j], arr[pos_arr[j]])
parity = reduce(lambda a, b: a ^ b, [j + 1 for j, bit in enumerate(arr_copy) if (bit and j not in (0, 1, 3, 7))])
parity_arr = list(reversed(list(str(format(parity, "04b")))))
ind = (p_num ^ parity) - 1
arr_copy[ind] = int(not arr_copy[ind])
for j in range(15):
if (j not in (0, 1, 3, 7)):
code += str(arr_copy[j])
return output
text = ''
with open('enc.txt', 'r') as fd:
text = fd.read()
flag = []
flag = [[int(j) for j in text[i:i + 15]] for i in range(0, len(text), 15)]
code = []
for i in flag:
flag_arr = []
def bruteforce(code):
for i in range(len(code[0])):
message = ''
decrypted_flag = ''
for j in range(len(code)):
message += code[j][i]
for j in range(0, len(message), 8):
c = chr(int(message[j:j+8], 2))
if (c in string.printable):
decrypted_flag += c
if (decrypted_flag[0:6] == 'nactf{' or decrypted_flag[0:6] == 'NACTF{'):