Tags: extension javascript reverse chrome 


We are given a Chrome extension, use 7zip to extract it and we see the contents.

There is malicious code inside [background.js](https://github.com/CTF-STeam/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2020/SPbCTF/nightmode/background.js). The code basically works as follow:
- Retrieves IP address from [https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=doyouwannaseestudentmagic.space](https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=doyouwannaseestudentmagic.space), which resolves to ``
- Gets AES encryption key from []( `2F423F4528482B4D6251655468566D59`
- Steals the cookie from the browser (not yet implemented in the scope of the challenge)
- Obfuscates the cookie using a custom (reversible) algorithm
- Encrypts the obfuscated cookie using AES with the key retrieved above
- Sends the cookie to [](

To solve this challenge, first we need to get back the encrypted cookie. With some educated guess, the cookie can be retrieved at: [](


Then all we have to do is decrypt and deobfuscate it to retrieve the flag. Decryption is straightforward with the given `AES_Decrypt` function. I won't go into details the deobfuscation algorithm, instead I have put debugging code inside the solver for you to understand how obfuscation and deobfuscation work: [background_sol.js](https://github.com/CTF-STeam/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2020/SPbCTF/nightmode/background_sol.js)

function decrypt(encrypted_cookie) {
console.log("===== Decrypting =====");
encrypted_cookie = atob(encrypted_cookie).split('').map(x=>x.charCodeAt(0));
console.log("[+] Encrypted cookie array: " + encrypted_cookie);
var decrypted_cookie = "";
for (var i = 0; i < encrypted_cookie.length; i+=16) {
var block = new Array(16);
block = encrypted_cookie.slice(i, i + 16);
AES_Decrypt(block, key);
decrypted_cookie+= String.fromCharCode.apply(null, block);
console.log("[+] AES Decrypted: " + decrypted_cookie);

Flag: `spbctf{JS_1s_7ra5h_0r_mag1c?}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/CTF-STeam/ctf-writeups/tree/master/2020/SPbCTF/nightmode).