# Stages Writeup
This problem is worth 200 points in the "Crypto and Stego" category. This was one of the tougher challenges in the whole cmpetition with only 8% of teams being able to solve it. I was the 14th to solve this challenge.
## Problem Statement:
Try to recover this file!!
### crypto.dat
## Solution
It seems like the ciphertext in crypto.dat is formed into blocks of five bits. This is a tell that we are looking at something that was encoded by ASCII85. Let's decode it and see what we get.
We recognize that this resulting ciphertext has 2 characters, A and B. So, let's convert to binary and see if we get any notable results.
We notice that each character in binary representation must have a 0 in the first bit position. So, let's convert A to 0 and B to 1.
This is a valid binary encoded string and decoding it gets us the following.
This resulting string is encoded by some base, most probably base 64 or base 32 by the two equal signs at the end. Let's try base64.
Once again, our ciphertext seems to be encoded by ASCII 85.
When we decode it, we get `JISCTF{Multiple_Enoding_of_data_JISCTF}`, which is our flag.
## Flag