Tags: android java reverse_engineering
# Quipasse
**Category: Android Reverse Engineering**
Opening up the application, we are greeted by a password screen:
Let's decompile, and look at the source for clues.
This is the code that runs on the button press:
// MainActivity.java
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, DbActivity.class);
String password = ((EditText) MainActivity.this.findViewById(R.id.dbPassword)).getText().toString();
if (password.isEmpty()) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Il faudrait penser à choisir un mot de passe.", 0).show();
} else if (password.matches("-?[0-9a-fA-F]+")) {
intent.putExtra("password", password);
} else {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Ça ne ressemble pas vraiment à une clé ça.", 0).show();
We can see that there is a regex match to ensure the password conforms to an expected character set. If the characters are correct, we launch the DbActivity:
// DbActivity.java
private String[] encryptedPasses = {"BS/MgnUEep/nCC1aAK/aB5mJAKfRGn3T03/sePM8nVv9nn36UZZvi+/bsqHnaKtc", "Rly34A8V98gY467cQy6JfLZa/PNjtEXyxdyGva6pScZmEtMKsaaHv88wxvKDB44OoSqO0HPcbUpvp8tD2rCSlw==", "U+HaCImq6DmIKc+9rzhf41tbcPuXg0UCrEGPdmzMBdFRMC/mbVg+ITC+zvkJZi4PO2dhIg0PcnSPIlSt1VJzWw==", "YIY1M4r5M9cy1EgmB9WGB6ULTopi+b7MuJKsl82JCLr+P6FAJhwr4XDxbTL6Qw2m", "1NJxkx1uM5X6feZaCWa0nluQwrc0NF4xo69I2Uw0aJ0au4o0KfrzUPpQynxQB+nU", "szQ1W/w93pvU4wk3WXMkLYG7tuUsP55f2r915PmOkHJI9LVuAXMEFKhS+7Vl/HllZx+Mb2ILzjDSW1xqvdPg/fwidsy+WWpHatPnDDEToy8="};
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView((int) R.layout.flags_activity);
byte[] password = EntryList.hexStringToByteArray(getIntent().getStringExtra("password"));
ArrayList<Entry> decryptedPasses = new ArrayList<>();
for (String bytes : this.encryptedPasses) {
try {
decryptedPasses.add(Entry.newEntrySerialized(new String(decrypt(password, Base64.getDecoder().decode(bytes.getBytes())), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this, "On dirait que ce n'est pas la bonne clé :'(", 0).show();
EntryList entries = new EntryList(this, (Entry[]) decryptedPasses.toArray(new Entry[0]));
ListView listView2 = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.flagList);
this.listView = listView2;
Looks like the entered password needs to be able to decrypt some data. I looked in `strings.xml` to see if there was anything there that could help. Something really interesting popped up:
<string name="secret_key">B224589A65B8E5BF5C36ABF3DC48CFA2607044BEA72C796104087AEF576503BC</string>
Entering this into the application did the trick, and we were sent to this screen: