Tags: android java encryption reverse_engineering 


# Jankenpon
**Category: Android Reverse Engineering**

A game this time around! Launching the app we are presented with a classic game of rock paper scissors against an AI opponent:

If you pick something, the AI player's choice is revealed, and its choice always _just so happens_ to beat yours every time:

Let's take a look at the decompiled source:

// GameActivity.java
public void play(int input) {
int bot;
if (input == this.ROCK) {
bot = this.PAPER;
} else if (input == this.PAPER) {
bot = this.CISORS;
} else {
bot = this.ROCK;
Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), PlayActivity.class);
i.putExtra("player", input);
i.putExtra("bot", bot);

Well, there's some proof that the bot is straight up cheating.

I looked at the PlayActivity that the above snippet calls, and it has the handling for what to do after each round:

// PlayActivity.java
public void checkWin(int player, int bot) {
if (player == bot) {
} else if ((player == 0 && bot == 1) || ((player == 1 && bot == 2) || (player == 2 && bot == 0))) {
} else {

public void draw() {

public void loose() {

public void win() {
String a = "";
try {
a = A.decrypt(A.encryptedFlag, A.privateKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("CTF", a);

Naturally, we go to `loose()` every time since the AI is cheating. But it is interesting to see that code exists to handle a player win, and that it decrypts and logs the value of the flag. Perhaps we can reverse engineer the decryption.

Let's take a look at the `A` class which handles the decryption:

// A.java
public class A {
public static String encryptedFlag = "KvPKvim3lTg4rHIXfN4yDycK/yW6mqn9Ol5nyVLqV4a/beagZYjN2xj2cBB0CjS8JCGZb/F/XI9uyFY8Gucyto9qF483gEhRjb9DksFtwJx+irhgEVehrx8TbC3MJ1E2S56eAacJkNGoPpBrKVXj4dz+SReBX3A2935QxN08Bcg=";
public static String privateKey = B.a("AoGBAKOI6d5LmStN9U/fYfzzLNCFwxQGEeatK1eE+sktkdIR85L5H4nV8DZbh2w6puCRjuWRa9U3J0iH", "cJAgMBAAECgYAcS1UDZBsVNgDKmACxLjXDwlD1RvOT8MQ9+UEWy66eJQL6m+XMCFruXLm6jQ9QbX7G03lPw6I", "aommvsICiEYi/H53G9aP8xfIr207UQJAe4/rJ35rRXC+hUljo6gLQ2OCGNoJMeoM+wT9dQNZEurdPZGBz1ij+LFFdHkeKvcS/MT+G7QbGpZQfnZDUgeojg==", "yKizuHpAkEA4GqH0htOFrIMTUMdpamd6X9OP+r9hakd5gymmcWc6lmP14DKkwTw5Gchqs0ZfTZebjrGJuVbaCRtDAMZ6Z13IQJAWfCl5nLjzo5FDVdsbXN8Dc53TLW+r43Ei1inuPNEw3bYrBN4aIRmwCBg", "fd7dMBF8KjsjfK3MxV10ojNzfPwvd8yokrFC59vit4ym0KXy61e/ZpgTu7cUAUdmganH7m7K0vrN+cR9siOMiTY3mBGt0G", "MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEA", "qBpVt+M8+68zIdtbICU3LmNly8tYIYqMwsZEgtHyZkCdSV1rzBLq9cpx+or2naLzzADONj5AZUBLWmCCECQQCnN45oya3UPL1uDttyhxAPLqWxdRSIcxD80+kP/AhbaplCEw9htuBw/y0QCTBimZhHwepgiuIrEE9RS", "lV2P8ylJFxDDeEE7qBXObET7d4sKkj49hc2kh3Q8/Cs6SB1bb7vA8k2wgoNZXZgOWrGstoCZZ3nFCvBasuPTCTUo/XBcKHEifAQJBAPpc3b");


public static String decrypt(byte[] data, PrivateKey privateKey2) throws NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(2, privateKey2);
return new String(cipher.doFinal(data));

public static String decrypt(String data, String base64PrivateKey) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException {
return decrypt(Base64.getDecoder().decode(data.getBytes()), getPrivateKey(base64PrivateKey));

There are a couple of things to note:
1. We have the `encryptedFlag`
2. We can see the encryption method is `RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding`

It looks like there is some strange processing going on with the `privateKey`, but if we can work that out we should have all we need to find the flag.

Class `B` has a function `a` which is used to calculate the `privateKey`. Let's take a look:
public class B {
public static String a(String a, String b, String c, String d, String e, String f, String g, String h) {
ArrayList<String> aa = C.a(f, a, g, "");
String str = aa.get(0);
String str2 = aa.get(3);
String str3 = aa.get(1);
String str4 = aa.get(2);
String v = "".concat(f);
String y = a.concat(e);
return "".concat(v.concat(y)).concat(b.concat(h).concat(g.concat(d))).concat(c);

Ok, that's pretty weird. Looks like it is just obfuscating what the key is. This class is also calling a `C.a` function:

public class C {
public static ArrayList<String> a(String a, String b, String c, String d) {
ArrayList<String> aa = new ArrayList<>();
return aa;

More nonsense, essentially. Still, we can put these functions together in a new program to figure out what the `privateKey` is:

public class Exploit{
public static String encryptedFlag = "KvPKvim3lTg4rHIXfN4yDycK/yW6mqn9Ol5nyVLqV4a/beagZYjN2xj2cBB0CjS8JCGZb/F/XI9uyFY8Gucyto9qF483gEhRjb9DksFtwJx+irhgEVehrx8TbC3MJ1E2S56eAacJkNGoPpBrKVXj4dz+SReBX3A2935QxN08Bcg=";
public static String privateKey = B.a("AoGBAKOI6d5LmStN9U/fYfzzLNCFwxQGEeatK1eE+sktkdIR85L5H4nV8DZbh2w6puCRjuWRa9U3J0iH", "cJAgMBAAECgYAcS1UDZBsVNgDKmACxLjXDwlD1RvOT8MQ9+UEWy66eJQL6m+XMCFruXLm6jQ9QbX7G03lPw6I", "aommvsICiEYi/H53G9aP8xfIr207UQJAe4/rJ35rRXC+hUljo6gLQ2OCGNoJMeoM+wT9dQNZEurdPZGBz1ij+LFFdHkeKvcS/MT+G7QbGpZQfnZDUgeojg==", "yKizuHpAkEA4GqH0htOFrIMTUMdpamd6X9OP+r9hakd5gymmcWc6lmP14DKkwTw5Gchqs0ZfTZebjrGJuVbaCRtDAMZ6Z13IQJAWfCl5nLjzo5FDVdsbXN8Dc53TLW+r43Ei1inuPNEw3bYrBN4aIRmwCBg", "fd7dMBF8KjsjfK3MxV10ojNzfPwvd8yokrFC59vit4ym0KXy61e/ZpgTu7cUAUdmganH7m7K0vrN+cR9siOMiTY3mBGt0G", "MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEA", "qBpVt+M8+68zIdtbICU3LmNly8tYIYqMwsZEgtHyZkCdSV1rzBLq9cpx+or2naLzzADONj5AZUBLWmCCECQQCnN45oya3UPL1uDttyhxAPLqWxdRSIcxD80+kP/AhbaplCEw9htuBw/y0QCTBimZhHwepgiuIrEE9RS", "lV2P8ylJFxDDeEE7qBXObET7d4sKkj49hc2kh3Q8/Cs6SB1bb7vA8k2wgoNZXZgOWrGstoCZZ3nFCvBasuPTCTUo/XBcKHEifAQJBAPpc3b");

public static void main(String []args){

class B {
public static String a(String a, String b, String c, String d, String e, String f, String g, String h) {
ArrayList<String> aa = C.a(f, a, g, "");
String str = aa.get(0);
String str2 = aa.get(3);
String str3 = aa.get(1);
String str4 = aa.get(2);
String v = "".concat(f);
String y = a.concat(e);
return "".concat(v.concat(y)).concat(b.concat(h).concat(g.concat(d))).concat(c);
class C {
public static ArrayList<String> a(String a, String b, String c, String d) {
ArrayList<String> aa = new ArrayList<>();
return aa;

Running this mini program prints us the private key:

Next, we can just decrypt the `encryptedFlag` with the `privateKey`:



Original writeup (https://github.com/ryan-cd/ctf/tree/master/2020/interIUT/jankenpon).