Tags: stegano steghide 


# Stug reference (Stegano, 50p, 136 solved)

## Description

Do you have your own stug pass hidden within?

Flag format: ctf{sha256}

In the task we get an image:


## Task analysis

It's clear that task hints at using `steghide`.

## Solution

We run:

steghide.exe --extract -sf stug.jpg

And guess the password to be `stug` and get: `ctf{32849dd9d7e7b313c214a7b1d004b776b4af0cedd9730e6ca05ef725a18e38e1}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/TFNS/writeups/tree/master/2020-12-05-DefCampCTF/stug).