
# GCombo

**Category**: Misc \
**Points**: 36

## Challenge

One day I spied out my friend accessing some google form to enter his secret
combination lock. Afterwards, I kept bothering him about it, and he finally
decided to give the link to me. Maybe you can figure out his combo for me and
get a tasty flag in return:


By: theKidOfArcrania

## Solution

Made a test google form:


So the section numbers are significant. Where do we find them on the page?


What happens when we submit the form?


So `entry.203483032` holds the option we selected (8 in this case).

Let's try to explore all pages by sending requests like this.
Finally we get here:


Searching the HTML, we see this weird JSON thingy called
`FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_`. Turns out we could've used it to
[solve the challenge offline](https://flagbot.ch/posts/gcombo/), but oh well.


We find this:
[766405565,"Password Please",null,0,[[1674649702,null,1,null,[[4,301,["s3cuR3_p1n_id_2_3v3ry0ne"]

Finally we get to the end:


Script output:
Doing page 0:
11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11
Doing page 11:
4 4 4 4 4 11 4 4 4 4
Doing page 12:
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4
Doing page 17:
20 11 11 13 11 6 15 4 1 18
Doing page 13:
7 20 20 20 20 9 9 19 1 7
Doing page 19:
Pin: [5, 8, 1, 2, 6, 9, 3, 3, 7, 0]
Flag: pbctf{5812693370_s3cuR3_p1n_id_2_3v3ry0ne}

What a cool challenge :smile:

Original writeup (https://github.com/qxxxb/ctf/tree/master/2020/pbctf/gcombo).