Tags: misc gcode
Category: Misc
Points: 268
Solved by: Iregon
Жжжжжжжжжж, виииив, виииив, жжжжжжжж...
Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh, viiiiv, viiiiv, zzhzhzhzhzhzhzh ...
If we open the file that is given to us with any text editor we notice that inside it there are some writings that can be identified as GCODE, the following is an extract:
Since the GCODE is used to encode the actions that are sent to a 3D printer, let's try to open the file with a slicing program for 3D printers (Ultimaker Cura will be used in the following examples):
We immediately notice that there are 3 writings, by rotating them in a position that allows us to read the central writing we will be able to see the flag: