Tags: web webexploitation 


# Santa's consolation (500 points)

## Description

Santa's been sending his regards; he would like to know who will still want to hack stuff after his CTF is over.

Note: Bluuk is a multilingual bug bounty platform that will launch soon and we've prepared a challenge for you. Subscribe and stay tuned!

Target: https://bluuk.io

Author: littlewho

## Solution

console.log("? Javascript Challenge ?");
console.log("Call win(<string>) with the correct parameter to get the flag");
console.log("And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter :D");

function check(s) {
const k1 = atob(k).split('').reverse().join('');
return bobify(s) === k1;

function bobify(s) {
if (~s.indexOf('a') || ~s.indexOf('t') || ~s.indexOf('e') || ~s.indexOf('i') || ~s.indexOf('z')) return "[REDACTED]";
const s1 = s.replace(/4/g, 'a').replace(/3/g, 'e').replace(/1/g, 'i').replace(/7/g, 't').replace(/_/g, 'z').split('').join('[]');
const s2 = encodeURI(s1).split('').map(c => c.charCodeAt(0)).join('|');
const s3 = btoa("D@\xc0\t1\x03\xd3M4" + s2);
return s3;

function win(x) {
return check(x) ? "X-MAS{" + x + "}" : "[REDACTED]";

We need to decode "k" from base64 and reverse. Then I decided to decode the resulting string from base64 again:

D@À 1.ÓM4115|37|53|66|37|53|68|97|37|53|66|37|53|68|110|37|53|66|37|53|68|116|37|53|66|37|53|68|97|37|53|66|37|53|68|122|37|53|66|37|53|68|119|37|53|66|37|53|68|105|37|53|66|37|53|68|115|37|53|66|37|53|68|104|37|53|66|37|53|68|101|37|53|66|37|53|68|115|37|53|66|37|53|68|122|37|53|66|37|53|68|121|37|53|66|37|53|68|48|37|53|66|37|53|68|117|37|53|66|37|53|68|122|37|53|66|37|53|68|99|37|53|66|37|53|68|114|37|53|66|37|53|68|97|37|53|66|37|53|68|99|37|53|66|37|53|68|105|37|53|66|37|53|68|117|37|53|66|37|53|68|110|37|53|66|37|53|68|122|37|53|66|37|53|68|102|37|53|66|37|53|68|101|37|53|66|37|53|68|114|37|53|66|37|53|68|105|37|53|66|37|53|68|99|37|53|66|37|53|68|105|37|53|66|37|53|68|116

Then i decoded it from decimal:


And url decode for now:


So, lets get rid of unnecessary symbols ("[" and "]"), then change some symbols which are specified in the function **bobify** and provide it to win function to check whether the flag is true:


Flag: X-MAS{s4n74_w1sh3s_y0u_cr4c1un_f3r1c17}

Original writeup (https://github.com/holypower777/ctf_writeups/tree/main/xmasCTF_2020/santas_consolation).