Tags: web 


# Web - Cakes Shop - 100


When we visit the given URL we get


When we try to buy the **Flag Cake** we get this error


Try changing the requests and decreasing the Flag cake price but no luck

After looking at the Session Cookies and decoding


I get the balance so after increasing the balance to say 300000 and then re-encoding the cookieas


and then use this cookie to get the page by using this CURL Command

curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
-H $'Host:' -H $'Content-Length: 40' \
-b $'UserInfo=GMYDAMBQGAYA%3D%3D%3D%3D' \
--data-binary $'flag-s=Price+%3A+1000000%24+Click+To+Buy' \

we get the flag as


## Flag - ***0xL4ugh{baSe_32_Cook!es_ArE_FuNny}***

Original writeup (https://github.com/rootpwn/CTF-Witeups/blob/main/0xL4ugh/Web%20-%20Cakes%20Shop%20-%20100/Web%20-%20Cakes%20Shop%20-%20100.md).