

We were given the challenge text:

maze corparate just started a new trading platform, let's hope its secure because I got all my funds over there

EU instance

US instance

author: pop_eax

If you went to the website, you were greeted with a simple login screen, which didn't seem very exploitable. I then checked the robots.txt file, which had the contents /sup3r_secr37_@p1.

I went to the path, and was greeted with a GraphQL GUI. After letting the autofill fill in some relevant fields for me, I had the query:

query {
  allTraders {
    edges {
      node {
        coins {
          edges {
            node {

Which gave me the result:

  "data": {
    "allTraders": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "username": "pop_eax",
            "coins": {
              "edges": [
                  "node": {
                    "title": "XFT",
                    "password": "iigvj3xMVuSI9GzXhJJWNeI"

I tried logging in with the username pop_eax and the password, but it didn't work. I got quite stuck here, but after a while I tried using XFT as the username, and it worked.

User Authenticated Dashboard

I clicked on one of the coins, and noticed that all the coins had the same URL, but with different GET query parameters, such as: /trade?coin=xft. I assumed that the backend loaded the info about the coin from a database, so I attempted an SQL injection. Similar to graphed 2.0 I listed the tables, the important one being admin. I then sent the payload*%20FROM%20admin;%20-- (' UNION SELECT * FROM admin; --), and it gave me the password: p0To3zTQuvFDzjhO9.

I logged into the admin panel, but there was no flag, I was instead called a skid.

Admin Panel

I looked a bit around in dev tools, and saw that the name skid was stored as a cookie. I changed it to something else, and when I refreshed the name was changed. Since the server processed the cookie, I tried template injection. When I changed the name cookie to {{ 7*7 }}, the server responded with 49. I then searched for template injections that allowed me to read files, and I found one that worked: {{ get_flashed_messages.__globals__.__builtins__.open("flag.txt").read() }}. The response was flag{u_35c@p3d_7h3_m@z3_5ucc3ssfu77y9933}.

Original writeup (https://github.com/WastefulNick/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/0x41414141/web/maze).