
# ezpz (48 solves / 470 points)
Some easy android for ya :)

## Attachments:
* [ezpz.apk](./ezpz.apk)

## Source Code:
* [Source](https://github.com/karma9874/My-CTF-Challenges/tree/main/DarkCON-ctf/Reverse/ezpz)

## Solution

On running the app this is the UI which only have input text but doesnt do anything other than the dancing submit button xD

![alt text](./app.PNG)

So on reversing the apk we get some java files by following the source code for flag checking in `MainActivity.java` we can see that it is checking the input with `YEET` variable which from `whyAmIHere` class so following the `whyAmIHere` file we get that the flag is actually fetched from firestore (kinda of db in firebase) and is forwarded to `Log.d()` which is typical logger in android with TAG as `TypicalLogcat`

public class whyAmIHere {

public String[] isThisWhatUWant() {
final String[] justAWaytoMakeAsynctoSync = {""};
FirebaseFirestore freeOnlineDatabaseYEEEET = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
freeOnlineDatabaseYEEEET.collection("A_Collection_Is_A_Set_Of_Data").get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot queryDocumentSnapshots) {
for(DocumentSnapshot snapshot : queryDocumentSnapshots){
justAWaytoMakeAsynctoSync[0] = snapshot.getString("Points");
}).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
justAWaytoMakeAsynctoSync[0] = "Something Failed,Maybe Contact Author?";
return justAWaytoMakeAsynctoSync;


So by using adb we can check for `TypicalLogcat` from logcat debug message and we get the flag

D:\Useless Tools\Geneymotion\tools>adb logcat | FINDSTR TypicalLogcat
02-21 13:52:11.599 2162 2162 D TypicalLogcat: darkCON{d3bug_m5g_1n_pr0duct10n_1s_b4d}

## Flag
> darkCON{d3bug_m5g_1n_pr0duct10n_1s_b4d}

Original writeup (https://github.com/karma9874/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/DarkCON_CTF/ezpz/ezpz.md).