Tags: xor recovery seed 


# Tony And James Writeup (45 solves / 472 points)
> :arrow_down: [Chall FIle](https://github.com/r3yc0n1c/CTF-Writeups/raw/main/2021/darkCON-2021/Crypto/Tony%20And%20James/dist/Tony%20And%20James.zip)

### [Source Script](dist/src.py)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random

# custom seed generation
def get_seed(l):
seed = 0
rand = random.getrandbits(l)
raw = list()

while rand > 0:
rand = rand >> 1
seed += rand

if len(raw) == l:
return raw, seed
return get_seed(l)

def encrypt(m):
l = len(m)

raw, seed = get_seed(l) # get raw_state and seed

with open('encrypted.txt', 'w') as f:
# char by char encoding of the FLAG
for i in range(l):
r = random.randint(1, 2**512)
if i == 0:
print("r0 =",r) # the 1st random number (r0) that we have
encoded = hex(r ^ m[i] ^ raw[i])[2:]
f.write(f"F{i}: {encoded}\n")

def main():
m = open('flag.txt').read()
encrypt(m.encode()) # Encrypt the FLAG

if __name__=='__main__':

The leakage of 1st generated random number makes the encryption vulnerable because we already know the flag format.

So we can use the leaked random number and the **Known Plaintext Attack** on the **XOR Encryption** to obtain the **seed**.

After generating the seed, we can set the seed and we will obtain the same random numbers that were used in the encryption

([same seed produces same random numbers](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22639587/random-seed-what-does-it-do#answer-22639752))
and then decrypt the flag.

### [Solve Script](sol/apex.py)
import random

def get_seed(raw_00, l):
seed = 0
raw = [raw_00]
for i in range(1,l):
seed += raw_00
raw.append(raw_00 >> 1)
raw_00 = raw_00 >> 1
return raw, seed

def decrypt(file, r0):
By Properties of XOR,

encoded[i] = r ^ m[i] ^ raw[i]
raw[i] = r ^ m[i] ^ encoded[i]

For i = 0 we know,
m[0] = 'd' ( because flag format is darkCON{} )
r = r0
encoded[0] = first encoded hex (F0)
# Calculate start of seed
raw_00 = r0 ^ ord('d') ^ int(file[0].split(': ')[1], 16)
l = len(file)
raw, seed = get_seed(raw_00, l)

flag = ''
for i in range(l):
x = int(file[i].split(': ')[1], 16)
r = random.randint(1, 2**512)
flag += chr(x ^ raw[i] ^ r)

file = open('encrypted.txt').read().strip().split('\n')
r0 = 13006113194937977865329550196847254275750805445133166331150790640161443707848964445638439062364681023973459358767889599334590592762861309365461149844507558
decrypt(file, r0)

## Flag
> darkCON{user_W4rm4ch1ne68_pass_W4RM4CH1N3R0X_t0ny_h4cked_4g41n!}

Original writeup (https://github.com/r3yc0n1c/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/2021/darkCON-2021/Crypto/Tony%20And%20James#tony-and-james-writeup-45-solves--472-points).