Rating: 4.0
# Parsey Mcparser
Challenge description:
> Attached is a blob of data with a never-before-seen format. We need user_names extracted from all entries based on the group they're in.
> Direcly below, is some starter code. All we need is the function
> "**ParseNamesByGroup**" implemented which takes a blob of data
> (string) and the group name (string). This function should return all
> user_names belonging to that group.
> ```
> '''
> :param blob: blob of data to parse through (string) :param
> group_name: A single Group name ("Green", "Red", or "Yellow",etc...)
> :return: A list of all user names that are part of a given Group
> '''
> def ParseNamesByGroup(blob, group_name):
> #impliment code
> data = raw_input() group_name = data.split('|')[0] blob = data.split('|')[1] result_names_list = ParseNamesByGroup(blob,
> group_name) print result_names_list
> ```
> stdin example:
> ```
> Black|+++,Bellhomes LLC.,["age":39, "user_name":"Reid Jolley",
> "Group":"Black"],+++,Greek Ideas,["age":63, "user_name":"Lucius
> Chadwell", "Group":"Green"],["age":63, "user_name":"Cary Rizzuto",
> "Group":"Black"],["age":28, "user_name":"Shoshana Bickett",
> "Group":"Yellow"],["age":69, "user_name":"Madeleine Swallow",
> "Group":"Green"],["age":41, "user_name":"Buddy Etter",
> "Group":"Black"],+++,God fire,["age":26, "user_name":"Carlene
> Caulder", "Group":"Green"],["age":43, "user_name":"Napoleon Peay",
> "Group":"Purple"],["age":44, "user_name":"Noemi Constant",
> "Group":"Green"]
> ```
> stdout example:
> ```
> ['Reid Jolley', 'Cary Rizzuto', 'Buddy Etter']
> ```
## Solution
Solution in script.py file.
$ python2 script.py
Black|+++,Bellhomes LLC.,["age":39, "user_name":"Reid Jolley", "Group":"Black"],+++,Greek Ideas,["age":63, "user_name":"Lucius Chadwell", "Group":"Green"],["age":63, "user_name":"Cary Rizzuto", "Group":"Black"],["age":28, "user_name":"Shoshana Bickett", "Group":"Yellow"],["age":69, "user_name":"Madeleine Swallow", "Group":"Green"],["age":41, "user_name":"Buddy Etter", "Group":"Black"],+++,God fire,["age":26, "user_name":"Carlene Caulder", "Group":"Green"],["age":43, "user_name":"Napoleon Peay", "Group":"Purple"],["age":44, "user_name":"Noemi Constant", "Group":"Green"]
['Reid Jolley', 'Cary Rizzuto', 'Buddy Etter']
### How to solve the problem
In order to solve this problem, we have just to:
- extract all fields lists (like `["age":69, "user_name":"Madeleine Swallow", "Group":"Green"]`, etc)
- transform each fields list into a JSON object
- decode each JSON object
- search in every object if user belongs to the specified group. If yes, user will be added to the `users` list