
Not Beginner's stack


  • BOF
  • SOP(Sigreturn Oriented Program)



Result of file command

  • Arch : x86-64
  • Library : Statically linked (No library)
  • Symbol : Not stripped

Result of checksec

  • RELRO : No RELRO (No library)
  • Canary : Disable
  • NX : Disable
  • PIE : Disable

In this challenge, "call" and "ret" instruction is not used.
Intead, 2 macros is defineded in main.S.

%macro call 1
;; __stack_shadow[__stack_depth++] = return_address;
  mov ecx, [__stack_depth]
  mov qword [__stack_shadow + rcx * 8], %%return_address
  inc dword [__stack_depth]
;; goto function
  jmp %1

%macro ret 0
;; goto __stack_shadow[--__stack_depth];
  dec dword [__stack_depth]
  mov ecx, [__stack_depth]
  jmp qword [__stack_shadow + rcx * 8]

Original subroutine is implemented.
Return address is stored on bss area, not on stack.


This challenge has a simple buffer overflow vulnerabirity.

;; char buf[0x100];
  enter 0x100, 0
;; vuln();
  call vuln
;; write(1, "Data: ", 6);
  mov edx, 6
  mov esi, msg_data
  xor edi, edi
  inc edi
  call write
;; read(0, buf, 0x100);
  mov edx, 0x100
  lea rsi, [rbp-0x100]
  xor edi, edi
  call read
;; return 0;
  xor eax, eax

;; char buf[0x100];
  enter 0x100, 0
;; write(1, "Data: ", 6);
  mov edx, 6
  mov esi, msg_data
  xor edi, edi
  inc edi
  call write
;; read(0, buf, 0x1000);
  mov edx, 0x1000               ; [!] vulnerability
  lea rsi, [rbp-0x100]
  xor edi, edi
  call read
;; return;

read() is called at 2 times.
First read() in vuln() can overwrite old_rbp stored on stack.
Second read() in notvuln() can trigger AAW because read buffer is based on rbp value.
I overwrote __stack_shadow to control RIP.

I didn't notice that we could execute shellcode :(
Instead, I used Sigreturn Oriented Program to get shell.

My exploit code is solve.py.


Sigreturn Oriented Programing(In Japanese)

  • http://inaz2.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/07/30/021123

twitter: @kam1tsur3

Original writeup (https://github.com/kam1tsur3/2021_CTF/blob/master/zer0pts/pwn/not_beginners_stack/README.md).