Tags: web rce preg_replace php
# DarkCON CTF 2021 – Easy PHP
* **Category:** web
* **Points:** 384
## Challenge
> Please note....
> Note: This chall does not require any brute forcing
> http://easy-php.darkarmy.xyz/
## Solution
The normal webpage returns a welcome advice.
Welcome DarkCON CTF !!
But connecting to `http://easy-php.darkarmy.xyz/robots.txt` will reveal the following content.
So you can connect to `http://easy-php.darkarmy.xyz/?lmao` which will return the following PHP code.
Basically you can craft your own `preg_replace`. For example, connecting to `http://easy-php.darkarmy.xyz/?bruh=test&nic3=/DarkCON/` will give you the following.
Welcome test CTF !!Welcome DarkCON CTF !!
The [`preg_replace` is subject to RCE using `/e`](https://medium.com/@roshancp/command-execution-preg-replace-php-function-exploit-62d6f746bda4).
`http://easy-php.darkarmy.xyz/?bruh=phpinfo()&nic3=/DarkCON/e` will return the `phpinfo()` output.
But `http://easy-php.darkarmy.xyz/?bruh=system(%27id%27)&nic3=/DarkCON/e` will be blocked by the `is_payload_danger` method.
With some analysis, you can discover that `fread` and `fopen` are available, so you can read `config.php` with a payload like the following, specifying the `config.php` filename in another GET parameter to bypass the check.
The response is the following.
Welcome PD9waHAKZnVuY3Rpb24gaXNfcGF5bG9hZF9kYW5nZXIoJHBheWxvYWQpIHsKCXJldHVybiBwcmVnX21hdGNoKCcvZXhlY3xwYXNzdGhydXxzaGVsbF9leGVjfHN5c3RlbXxwcm9jX29wZW58cG9wZW58Y3VybF9leGVjfGN1cmxfbXVsdGlfZXhlY3xwYXJzZV9pbmlfZmlsZXxyZWFkZmlsZXxyZXF1aXJlfHJlcXVpcmVfb25jZXxpbmNsdWRlfGluY2x1ZGVfb25jZXxwcmludHxmaW5kfGZpbGV8YHxjb25maWd8dmFyX2R1bXB8ZGlyLycsJHBheWxvYWQpOwp9Cj8+Cg== CTF !!Welcome DarkCON CTF !!
Decoding the base64, you can discover the source code.
Using `glob` function, which is not blocked, you can find an interesting file.
Welcome flag210d9f88fd1db71b947fbdce22871b57.php CTF !!Welcome DarkCON CTF !!
You can read that file with the technique used before.
Welcome ZGFya0NPTnt3M2xjMG1lX0Q0cmtDMG5fQ1RGXzJPMjFfZ2d3cCEhISF9Cg== CTF !!Welcome DarkCON CTF !!
Decoding the base64 you can discover the flag.