
# NahamCon_2021_CTF
- [Scoreboard](#scoreboard)

- [Warmups](#warmups)
* [Veebee](#veebee)
* [Read The Rules](#read-the-rules)
* [Chicken Wings](#chicken-wings)
* [Car Keys](#car-keys)
* [Buzz](#buzz)
* [Pollex](#pollex)
* [Shoelaces](#shoelaces)
* [esab64](#esab64)
* [Eighth Circle](#eighth-circle)
- [Web](#web)
* [Homeward Bound](#homeward-bound)
* [$Echo](#$Echo)
* [Cereal and Milk](#cereal-and-milk)
* [AgentTester](#agenttester)
* [Asserted](#asserted)
* [AgentTester V2](#agenttester-v2)
- [Binary Exploitation](#binary-exploitation)
* [Ret2basic](#ret2basic)
- [Cryptography](#cryptography)
* [Treasure](#treasure)
* [eaxy](#eaxy)
* [Dice Roll](#dice-roll)
- [Forensics](#forensics)
* [Parseltongue](#parseltongue)
* [Henpeck](#henpeck)
- [Mobile](#mobile)
* [Andra](#andra)
* [Resourceful](#resourceful)
* [Microscopium](#microscopium)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
* [Abyss](#abyss)
* [Prison Break](#prison-break)
- [Scripting](#scripting)
* [DDR](#ddr)
- [Mission](#mission)
* [Gus](#gus)
* [Lyra](#lyra)
* [Hercules](#hercules)
* [Orion](#orion)
* [Leo](#leo)
* [Internal](#internal)
* [Rotten Logging](#rotten-logging)
* [Banking on it](#banking-on-it)
* [Degrade](#degrade)
* [Meet The Team](#meet-the-team)
* [Bionic](#bionic)
* [The Mission](#the-mission)
* [Hydraulic](#hydraulic)
* [Backdoor](#backdoor)
- [Sponsors Recon](#sponsors-recon)
* [Google Play](#google-play)
* [Intigriti](#intigriti)
* [INE (Starter Pass)](#ine--starter-pass-)
* [HackerOne](#hackerone)
- [HackTheBox Academy](#hackthebox-academy)
* [HTB Module - Attacking Web Applications with Ffuf](#htb-module---attacking-web-applications-with-ffuf)
* [HTB Challenge - Weather App](#htb-challenge---weather-app)
* [HTB Challenge - Weather App](#htb-challenge---weather-app-1)

## Scoreboard


We ended the CTF in 16th Place, which we were happy with as our first result as a team.

## Warmups

### Veebee

`Buzz buzz, can you find the honey?`

From the title of the challenge, I assumed that it was visual basic, so I renamed it to vbs, tried to run it, it failed. I googled Visual Basic file extensions and found .vbe, I ran it and it went through some popups until the flag appeared


Flag: `flag{f805593d933f5433f2a04f082f400d8c}`

### Read The Rules

### Chicken Wings

### Car Keys

### Buzz

### Pollex

### Shoelaces

### esab64

### Eighth Circle

## Web

### Homeward Bound

### $Echo

`So I just made a` ~~hardcoded~~ `bot that basically tells you what you wanna hear. Now usually it's a $ for each thing you want it to say but I'll waive the fee for you if you beta test it for me.`

$Echo was an easy web challenge that ended up at 50 points.
We are presented with a text box that takes input, and uses the `echo` program to return our input. After trying to find command injection, we see that the only allowed special characters are \` and <./
There was also a 15 character limit on input. After some research, i found that commands inside backticks would be executed, and the response returned.
\`ls\` gave us the `index.php`, and \`ls .\.\` returned a `flag.txt`

Due to the 15 character limit, it was impossible for us to use the cat command (e.g. \`cat .\./flag.txt`) so we had to find another way of reading the file. After research, i found that the < character could send input to stdout. This allowed the crafting of the final payload:

\`< .\.\/flag.txt`
which returned us a flag.

### Cereal and Milk

### AgentTester

### Asserted

### AgentTester V2

## Binary Exploitation

### Ret2basic

## Cryptography

### Treasure

`This movie is what pushed me to get into hacking. Good luck decrypting my note, I'm elite.`

There are two files provided with the question: `notes.txt` and `hackers.txt`

`note.txt` is a text document with a flag in a 4 digit numerical format

`hackers.txt` is the script for the movie Hackers

I thought it would be similar to a book cipher so I googled a book cipher decoder and clicked on the first link: [decode.fr/book-cipher](https://www.dcode.fr/book-cipher) I input the data into it and it returned the flag


Flag: `flag{62D869C6B886DAC2DD743086E451F76B}`

### eaxy

### Dice Roll

## Forensics

### Parseltongue

### Henpeck

## Mobile

### Andra

### Resourceful

### Microscopium

## Miscellaneous

### Abyss

### Prison Break

## Scripting

### DDR

## Mission

### Gus

### Lyra

### Hercules

### Orion

### Leo

### Internal

### Rotten Logging

### Banking on it

### Degrade

### Meet The Team

### Bionic

### The Mission

### Hydraulic

### Backdoor

## Sponsors Recon

### Google Play

### Intigriti

### INE (Starter Pass)

### HackerOne

## HackTheBox Academy

### HTB Module - Attacking Web Applications with Ffuf

### HTB Challenge - Weather App

### HTB Challenge - Weather App

### HTP Module - Linux Fundamentals

### HTB Module - Introduction to Web Applications

### HTB Challenge - LoveTok

## NahamCon

### INE Career Corner

### IoT Village

### Live Recon Village

### Red Team Village

### UHC-BR

### #NahamCon2021

### Merch Store

Original writeup (https://github.com/p1r4t3d-Team/NahamconCTF2021-Writeups#veebee).