Rating: 4.0

# LINE CTF 2021 - Reversing - Sakura

## TL;DR
- Some Solidity smart contracts and the CLI application (webpacked) to manipulate them are given.
- The flag is output when the state of multiple accounts is badly transitioned.
- The state referred to here is not the `State` defined in the contract.
- Since there are only a few possible choices in the CLI application, **fuzzing** can solve this problem.

## Problem
>Sakura is beautiful
>nc 13000

The given files:
├── contracts
│   ├── Contract.sol
│   └── openzeppelin
│   └── contracts
│   ├── access
│   │   └── Ownable.sol
│   └── utils
│   └── Context.sol
├── (flag)
└── index.js

## Solution
`Contract.sol` is the core code of the app, `index.js` is the CLI application that manipulates the contract (the bytecode of the contract is embedded). `openzeppelin` is the standard library for contracts; thus, we do not need to read it.

We access the app with `nc` (or run it locally) and then get the following results and select a choice.
❯ nc 13000
Account: 0x66ab6d9362d4f35596279692f0251db635165871
Account: 0x33a4622b82d4c04a53e170c638b944ce27cffce3
Account: 0x0063046686e46dc6f15918b61ae2b121458534a5
Set player account a balance of 100 ETH
Deploying the contract...
Contract address: 0xe7cb1c67752cbb975a56815af242ce2ce63d3113
Welcome to Timeless Sakura Prediction Game

- You can get ETHs if you predict the future.
- Oracle system that go beyond powerful time will judge.
- We have GOD level BFT consensus model, Ethereum based single node blockchain.
(Yeah, We've solved the bloody byzantine general problem)
- We use a smart contract engine based on a powerful EVM, the World computer.

Today's question is

What will be the weather tomorrow?

1) Sunny
2) Rainy

1) Bet
2) Cancel
3) Get Player's Balance
4) Finalize

First, we operate the app and then find the following.
- The `Oracle response` we get in the `Finalize` choice is the opposite of the input of the `Bet` choice. It seems good if these are the same value.
- The `Bet` choice reduces the balance of the accounts. If we cancel, it returns.
- We can only enter a choice up to five times.
- If proper input and proper order are not followed, transactions revert.
- Example: `Tx Reverted: [ 'Invalid state' ] { error: 'revert', errorType: 'VmError' }`
- The number and content of transactions revert changes depending on the order of selection. There are probably transactions for multiple accounts.
- etc.

Next, if we look for how `flag` is output, we find it in `index.js`.
- `case 1: return 1 == I.sent().balance.gt(new Y.BN(G.convert("1000", "eth", "wei"))) && (console.log("win!"), console.log(k.readFileSync("/flag", "utf8"))), [2]`
- We can see that the flag will probably be output when the balance of my account exceeds 1000 ETH.
- If we change this 1000 value, the flag is actually be displayed at the timing of the `Finalize` choice.

We assume that there is a sequence of choices whose length is less than five that will output a flag. We can use a fuzzing approach.
The code is as follows.
import subprocess
import itertools
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

cands = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 3), (2,), (3,)]

zenbu = [c + ((4,),) for c in itertools.product(cands, repeat=4)]

def work(tup):
proc = subprocess.Popen(["node", "sakura/index.js"],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

s = "\n".join(str(x) for x in itertools.chain(*tup))+"\n"

stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(s.encode())
stdout = stdout.decode()

if "win!" in stdout or "LINECTF" in stdout:
print("!" * 1000, tup)
open("!!!.txt", "w").write(str(tup))

with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
executor.map(work, zenbu)

We enter `(1,1),(1,3),(4,)` and then get the flag.


Original writeup (https://github.com/x-vespiary/writeup/blob/master/2021/03-line/rev-sakura.md).