Rating: 1.0
This challenge is about image manipulation. I chose to do it in Python because I'm kinda used to it. A directory named 60x50
containing 3000 10x10 images was given, providing the information about the flag dimensions.
from PIL import Image
def printBlock(pix, i):
print(f'block {i}')
for x in range(10):
for y in range(10):
print(str(pix[y, x]).ljust(3), end=' ')
def placeBlock(flagpix, impix, i):
printBlock(impix, i)
i -= 1
y = (i // 50) * 10
x = (i % 50) * 10
for u in range(x, x + 10):
for v in range(y, y + 10):
pix = impix[v % 10, u % 10]
flagpix[u, v] = (pix, pix, pix)
doss = './60x50/'
flag = Image.new('RGB', (500, 600), 'red')
flagpix = flag.load()
for i in range(1, 3001):
im = Image.open(f'{doss}{i}.jpg')
impix = im.load()
placeBlock(flagpix, impix, i)
Mirror and rotate... And there we are!