Tags: osint intel 


> # Finding Geno
> ## Points: 50
> We know that our missing person’s name is Geno and that he works for a local firm called Bridgewater. What is his last name? (Wrap the answer in RS{})
> Author: t0uc4n

## Solution

In the description we are informed about missing name and his workplace.
Let's search for `geno bridgewater` in google.
We don't get much besides football player. Let's try searching on specific site.

geno bridgewater site:linkedin.com

First result we are presented with is [geno ikonomov's](https://www.linkedin.com/in/geno-ikonomov/) linkedin site.
Goal was to find the last name so the flag is:


Original writeup (https://github.com/a1eaiactaest/writeups/blob/main/ritsec2021/osint/finding-geno.md).