Tags: hash crypto bruteforce rockyou 


Hmmm.. we found this hash along with a white paper explaining this custom hashing algorithm.

Can you break it for us?

hash : 435818055906

Flag should be submitted as RS{<cracked hash>}

Author: 1nv8rZim

The red crosses in the hash diagram are addition
Goal here is not to test ur hash cracking rigs, please use rockyou.txt

Solution should be first match and hopefully will be pretty recognizable

Studying the pdf, we implement the hash function and bruteforce the password with the infamous *rockyou* wordlist.
import strformat, strutils, sequtils

seed = "RITSEC".mapIt(it.byte)
target = "435818055906".parseHexStr.mapIt(it.byte)
wordlist = "rockyou.txt"

proc H(h: seq[byte], x, r: byte): seq[byte] =
var (A, B, C, D, E, F) = (h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5])
@[((C xor E) and F) + B + D shl 2 + x + r, A, D shl 2, B shr 5, A + F, D]

proc hash(h: seq[byte], x: byte): seq[byte] =
result = h
for r in 0 .. 12:
result = H(result, x, r.byte)

echo &"[+] Loading wordlist: {wordlist}"
let passwords = readFile(wordlist).splitLines
echo &"[+] Bruteforcing with: {wordlist}"
for i, password in passwords:
var h = seed
for c in password:
h = hash(h, c.byte)
if h == target:
echo &"[+] Cracked password: {password}"

Even without reading the second hint, we know we cannot reverse the function because it uses `and`, and therefore it is impossible to reverse the values `C`, `E`, `F`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/sealmove/ctf-journey/blob/main/RITSEC%202021/RITSEC%20Hash.md).