Tags: steganography inceptionctf forensics
# Inception CTF
#### Dream 1
- Extract the Zip.
- `InceptionCTF` contains `Reality.7z` .
- Extract it to get `Reality` folder.
- Two files will be extracted.
- Suspicious.txt and `Vanchaze.7z`.
- Suspicious.txt contains reversed file.
- Reversing the contents will give the flag.
InceptionCTF --> Reality --> Suspicious.txt
Flag --> RITSEC{Dreamland}
#### Dream 2
- Extracting `Vanchase.7z` will give `kidnap.txt`.
- It contains Hex code and decoding it will give the flag.
InceptionCTF --> Reality --> Vanchase --> kidnap.txt
Hex code : "52 49 54 53 45 43 7b 57 61 74 65 72 55 6e 64 65 72 54 68 65 42 72 69 64 67 65 7d".
Flag --> RITSEC{WaterUnderTheBridge}
#### Dream 3
- Extracting `TheHotel.7z` will give `ThePointman.txt`.
- It contains `Base64` encoded text and decoding it will give the flag.
InceptionCTF --> Reality --> Vanchase --> THEHotel --> ThePointman.txt
Flag --> RITSEC{F@!!ingElev@tor}
#### Dream 4
- Extracting `Snowfortress.7z` will give `Passwordpath.exe`.
InceptionCTF --> Reality --> Vanchase --> THEHotel --> Snowfortress --> Passwordpath.exe
- Now `cat` the Passwordpath.exe and we shall see the `Java Script code`.
- Decoding the `JS` gives `Morsecode`.
- Decoding the `Morse code` gives the flag.
#### Dream 5
- Extracting `Limbo.7z` will give `Inception.jpg`.
--> Reality --> Vanchase --> THEHotel --> Snowfortress --> Limbo --> Inception.jpg
- Doing `strings` in `Inception.jpg` gives Base64 encoded text `UklUU0VDezUyODQ5MX0g`.
- Decode it to get the flag.
Flag --> RITSEC{528491}