
# Vacation

## Challenge Author:

## Description:

The link showed this image `cruise_ship.png`:


## Difficulty/Points:

## Flag:

# Solution

Zooming a little bit on the local's detail I read the name of the place `Rum Therapy`:

I searched on Google Maps this place, obtaining some results in the Carribean region. The one result that seemed more promising was [this place](https://maps.app.goo.gl/onA6osUTxDZ7S4tQ7) named "Rum Therapy Bar & Treatment Centre", in the St. Lucia Island.

I zoomed on the map around this place looking for brewing companies, and I noticed [this one](https://g.page/antilliabrewing?share) called "Antillia Brewing Company".

The other part of the flag required the name of the city, which is `Castries`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/hackalcubo/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/UMDCTF-2021/OSINT/Vacation).