Tags: prog writeup 


#### [https://waletsec.github.io/posts/2021-04-26-Ping-pong-HeroCTF.fr.html](https://waletsec.github.io/posts/2021-04-26-Ping-pong-HeroCTF.fr.html)
### You will need

- Text / code editor
- Binary to ASCII conventer (e.g. https://onlinebinarytools.com/convert-binary-to-ascii)

### Solution

- Download `output.txt` file, and open it in a text editor
- Replace (Ctrl + H)
- `PONG` with `0`
- `PING` with `0`
- New line character with nothing
At the end of it you should got
- Open Binary to ASCII conventer and paste it in

### Flag


#### Credits

- Writeup by [mble](https://ctftime.org/user/93848)
- Solved by [mble](https://ctftime.org/user/93848)
- WaletSec 2021

#### License

**CC BY 4.0** WaletSec + mble

Original writeup (https://waletsec.github.io/posts/2021-04-26-Ping-pong-HeroCTF.fr.html).