Tags: revesing 

Rating: 5.0

# Alienware

## Description

We discovered this tool in the E.T. toolkit which they used to encrypt and exfiltrate files from infected systems. Can you help us recover the files?

[rev_alienware.zip](rev_alienware.zip) - password `rev_alienware`

## Solution

There are two files observed:

- `Alienware.exe` - PE executable
- `Confidential.pdf.alien` - encrypted content

### `Alienware.exe` Analysis

After a shallow analysis an interesting function draws attention:


This is an encrypted resource and this function drops `xuTaV.dll` and executes `encryptFiles` out of it.

Extract `xuTaV.dll.enc` via `010 Editor`:


You can see the 12 byte `XOR_KEY` at:


and it is used at:


Now we can decrypt via:

from pwn import xor
from binascii import unhexlify

r = open("xuTaV.dll.enc", "rb").read()
lr = len(r)
k = unhexlify("78027680f544aa98ee651176")
lk = len(k)

rr = xor(r, k * (lr // len(k)) + k[0:lr % lk])

open("xuTaV.dll", "wb").write(rr)

### `xuTaV.dll` Analysis


Interesting thing is that the string at `param_1` is passed from `Alienware.exe` and it is later used in `encrypt_file` to derive the key from:



where `param_3` comes from the parameter passed to `encryptFiles` from `Alienware.exe`:





The derived algorithm for decryption is:

from pwn import xor
from binascii import unhexlify
import hashlib

from wincrypto import CryptCreateHash, CryptHashData, CryptDeriveKey, CryptEncrypt, CryptDecrypt
from wincrypto.constants import CALG_SHA_256, CALG_AES_128, bType_SIMPLEBLOB

def gen_key(s):
xor_key = unhexlify("78027680f544aa98ee651176")
xor_key = xor_key + xor_key[:4]
ls = len(s)

return bytes([xor_key[i] ^ s[i % ls] for i in range(0x10)])

def decrypt_file(filename, env_os):
key = gen_key(env_os)
sha256_hasher = CryptCreateHash(CALG_SHA_256)
CryptHashData(sha256_hasher, key)
aes_key = CryptDeriveKey(sha256_hasher, CALG_AES_128)
encrypted_data = open(filename, "rb").read()
decrypted_data = CryptDecrypt(aes_key, encrypted_data)

return decrypted_data

Failed fix `wincrypto`:


## Trying The Decryption Algo

Better way to emulate `wincrypto`. Using [Implement Windows CryptoAPI CryptDeriveKey Using OpenSSL APIs](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4793583/implement-windows-cryptoapi-cryptderivekey-using-openssl-apis) but I still don't know what to do with:




This may be helpful: [hasherezade/aes_crypt.cpp](https://gist.github.com/hasherezade/2860d94910c5c5fb776edadf57f0bef6)

from pwn import xor
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
import os

crypt32 = windll.Advapi32
mbstowcs = windll.msvcr100.mbstowcs
lstrlenW = windll.kernel32.lstrlenW
CryptAcquireContext = crypt32.CryptAcquireContextW
CryptCreateHash = crypt32.CryptCreateHash
CryptHashData = crypt32.CryptHashData
CryptDeriveKey = crypt32.CryptDeriveKey
CryptDecrypt = crypt32.CryptDecrypt

SHA256 = 0x800c
AES128 = 0x660e
provider = "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider"

def gen_key(s):
xor_key = unhexlify("78027680f544aa98ee651176")
xor_key = xor_key + xor_key[:4]
ls = len(s)
if ls > 0:
dt = bytes([s[i % ls] for i in range(0x10)])
dt = b"\x00" * 16

return xor(dt, xor_key)

def decrypt_file_w(filename, env_os):
passwd = gen_key(env_os)
t = c_size_t()
passwd_buf = create_string_buffer(0x22)
mbstowcs(passwd_buf, c_char_p(passwd), 0x10)
passwd_len = lstrlenW(passwd_buf)

ctx = c_void_p()
CryptAcquireContext(byref(ctx), 0, provider, 0x18, 0xf0000000)
chash = c_void_p()
CryptCreateHash(ctx, SHA256, 0, 0, byref(chash))
CryptHashData(chash, passwd_buf, passwd_len, 0);
aes_key = c_void_p()
CryptDeriveKey(ctx, AES128, chash, 0, byref(aes_key))

bl_size = 0x30
data_buf = create_string_buffer(bl_size)

decrypted_data = b""
encrypted_data = open(filename, "rb").read()
len_enc_data = len(encrypted_data)
rest_len = len_enc_data % bl_size
last = len_enc_data // bl_size - 1
for i in range(len_enc_data // bl_size):
if i == last and rest_len == 0:
data_buf.raw = encrypted_data[i * bl_size:(i+1) * bl_size]
CryptDecrypt(aes_key, 0, True, 0, data_buf, byref(DWORD(bl_size)))
decrypted_data += data_buf.raw
data_buf.raw = encrypted_data[i * bl_size:(i+1) * bl_size]
CryptDecrypt(aes_key, 0, False, 0, data_buf, byref(DWORD(bl_size)))
decrypted_data += data_buf.raw

if rest_len > 0:
data_buf.raw = encrypted_data[-rest_len:]
CryptDecrypt(aes_key, 0, True, 0, data_buf, byref(DWORD(rest_len)))
decrypted_data += data_buf.raw

return decrypted_data

def main():
open("Confidential.pdf", "wb").write(decrypt_file_w("Confidential.pdf.alien", b"Windows_NT"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

aaaaand this **WORKED** !


## Wine Setup



Ofcourse WINE is installed from the Wine repository (check in Google). You run anything with Wine such as:

wpwn ~/archs/python-3.8.9-amd64.exe
wpwn pip install cryptography
wpwn pip install pwntools

and then the script:

wpwn python ./wdecr.py

Original writeup (https://github.com/mr6r4y/write-ups/tree/master/challenges/cyber-appocalypse-2021/alienware).