# HI (Reverse, 200)
In the task description we are given the following info:
>The Program is registerd for following system specification:
>Processor type: Intel Itanium-based
>Number of processors: 64
>Physical RAM => 128GB
>OS version: 12.2 Build 1200
A little bit info about task file:
>File name: HI2.exe
>File type: Win32 PE Executable
>SHA1: 8dd906f847bc21078eeb95af69944a4d966eefec
Quick look at the file in CFF Explorer reveals the following:
>_8_ sections, _2_ of which are **.vmp0** and **.vmp1**
>TLS directory
>Export directory
Just to make sure that we are dealing with VMProtect, let's just take a peek at image's entry point:
004F22CE /E9 54370000 jmp HI2.004F5A27
004F22D3 ^|E9 22B5FFFF jmp HI2.004ED7FA
004F22D8 |B3 8B mov bl,8B
004F5A27 50 push eax
004F5A28 60 pushad
004F5A29 C74424 20 0BAAB1FF mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],FFB1AA0B
004F5A31 66:C70424 59BA mov word ptr ss:[esp],0BA59
004F5A37 C74424 1C 8BC4B62B mov dword ptr ss:[esp+1C],2BB6C48B
004F5A3F 885424 04 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+4],dl
004F5A43 8D6424 1C lea esp,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
004F5A47 E9 B2110D00 jmp HI2.005C6BFE
Now we're 100% sure it's indeed VMProtect.
Ok, but what does it mean?
In general cases VMProtect is used to change (_virtualize_) the code to such form that the original form is lost and unrecoverable. In this case though, it means that authors doesn't want us to play with the application code itself, but they want us to focus on values returned by some system functions.
Debugger settings (ollydbg v1.10)
> Options/Debugging options/Events/System breakpoint
> StrongOD plugin, check the option "Remove EP one-shot"
Before we take a look into file itself, let's run just run it and see what it says:
That should be enough, let's take a look at the MSDN, and find function(s) that could provide us at least part of the information we need.
The first one we need is `GetSystemInfo()`
``` c++
void WINAPI GetSystemInfo(
_Out_ LPSYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo
Function returns `SYSTEM_INFO`structure, of which 2 fields are interesting for us.
``` c++
typedef struct _SYSTEM_INFO {
union {
DWORD dwOemId;
struct {
WORD wProcessorArchitecture; // *interesting for us*
WORD wReserved;
DWORD dwPageSize;
LPVOID lpMinimumApplicationAddress;
LPVOID lpMaximumApplicationAddress;
DWORD_PTR dwActiveProcessorMask;
DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors; // *interesting for us*
DWORD dwProcessorType;
DWORD dwAllocationGranularity;
WORD wProcessorLevel;
WORD wProcessorRevision;
We need to change these fields accordingly:
`wProcessorArchitecture` needs to be equal to `PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64`which is `0x0006`
`dwNumberOfProcessors`needs to be equal to `0x40`
Next function that seems to be interesing for us is `GlobalMemoryStatusEx()`
``` c++
BOOL WINAPI GlobalMemoryStatusEx(
Function returns `MEMORYSTATUSEX`structure, of which one field is interesting for us.
``` c++
typedef struct _MEMORYSTATUSEX {
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwMemoryLoad;
DWORDLONG ullTotalPhys; // *interesting for us*
DWORDLONG ullAvailPhys;
DWORDLONG ullTotalPageFile;
DWORDLONG ullAvailPageFile;
DWORDLONG ullTotalVirtual;
DWORDLONG ullAvailVirtual;
DWORDLONG ullAvailExtendedVirtual;
To satisfy task requirements let's change `ullTotalPhys` to `0x0000001FFFFFFFFF` .
The last function which output we're going to change is `GetVersion()`
``` c++
DWORD WINAPI GetVersion(void);
Return value has the following form `XXXXYYZZ`:
XXXX - build
YY - minor version
ZZ - major version
The expected value thus is:`0x04B0020C`.
And that's it, when everyting was done right, we are given the flag:
Flag: ef71d59e50c5fc4cd7604db77da16de8
Ps. How to set breakpoints and override the returned values is left to readers as homework.